This study will provide a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of remittances coming into Nepal and of remittance-recipient households as well as identify the factors that are associated with remittance-spending behaviours. The study will cover the topics, such as remittance inflow and outflow trends in Nepal; relation between labour migration and remittance inflow in Nepal; legal and institutional mechanisms for regulating remittances in Nepal; mapping of remittance transfer service providers in Nepal; trends in the costs of remittance transfers to Nepal from major destinations of Nepali workers; channels used to transfer remittances and preferred channel for remittance transfer (formal and informal); patterns of remittance use and the factors associated with remittance-spending behaviours; and characteristics of remitters, remittances, and remittance-recipient households.
Status of Remittance in Nepal
Collaborating organization
The Asia Foundation (TAF)
November, 2024 -
January, 2025