The primary aim of this task is to create a comprehensive learning document based on the activities carried out by SaMi during the third phase of its implementation. Specifically, the goals include capturing: i) Major achievements across the program components at outcome and output le...
The major objective of this study was to examine the policy gaps and provide recommendations to address the issue of migrant’s workers based on the data/information available with PNCC. Focusing on migration of Nepali workers to Malaysia, this study seeked to examine the situation r...
The overall objective of the assignment is to assess the extent to which available data, nationallyprioritized SDG targets and indicators in Nepal (at national and local levels) are disaggregated by genderand other variables e.g., caste/social and economic status, region and other soc...
This study conducts an Assessment of Labour Administration in Nepal, which will provide recommendations to strengthen the labour administration system and equip it to enable efficient and effective service delivery (organization, management, procedural system, staff training, action t...
Studies have highlighted the integral role of newspapers and other news media as the central and often the most trusted source of information about policies and social issues for the public. The media portrayal and framing of the news coverage on human trafficking including the portra...
Studies highlight the paucity of interventions and lack of insights on perpetrators of “modern slavery” and human trafficking as more focus has been on the rescue and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking in recent times. This focus, as a result, has sidelined perpetrator...
This study aims to use the narratives of migrant workers to document the migration experience and identify the various intermediaries involved in facilitating migration for foreign employment. It will examine the interaction of migrant workers with various actors in the recruitment pr...
The proposed study aims to identify existing gaps, barriers and challenges that both prohibit and inhibit men and women migrant workers from accessing justice with complaints related to recruitment, and also identify practical solutions and policy changes to address these issues. The ...
The primary objective of this study is to understand the situation of Nepali migrant workers’ access to justice amid the Covid-19 pandemic. It is expected that the study will help recommend the Government of Nepal (GoN) for the formulation and implementation of plans and strategies ...
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