Research Network on Competence and Job Creation

The proposed network intends to contribute with more in-depth knowledge of policies that may contribute to a more rapid transition towards inclusive growth with competence building and increasing incomes for the unskilled poor. CMI is combining insights from the partners’ countries ...

Sectoral Diagnostics of Informality in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Aquaculture

The main objective of this study is to identify the characteristics, causes, and circumstances of informality in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and aquaculture sectors, facilitating the design and implementation of sector-specific and crosscutting approaches for transitioning the...

Sectoral Diagnostics of Informality in the Transport Sector

The main objective of the study is to quantify and examine the characteristics, drivers (both sector-specific and general), and circumstances of informality, in addition to identifying the (dis)incentives that have a bearing on the formalisation process of informal economic units in t...

Social Networks and Migration Study

The research project involves implementing a mentorship programme in 125 villages in Kailali and Kanchanpur districts to help current and potential migrant workers build social networks to find (better) jobs in various locations in India and Nepal. The study seeks to enrol up to 2000 ...

Development of “Nepal Labour Migration Status Report”

The objective of the proposed assignment is to provide technical support in the development of the Nepal Labour Migration Report 2024, which will provide a comprehensive overview of labour migration from Nepal with a focus on the fiscal years 2022/23 and 2023/24. The report will provi...

Status of Remittance in Nepal

This study will provide a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of remittances coming into Nepal and of remittance-recipient households as well as identify the factors that are associated with remittance-spending behaviours. The study will cover the topics, such as remitt...

Development of Learning Document of Safer Migration (SaMi) Programme

The primary aim of this task is to create a comprehensive learning document based on the activities carried out by SaMi during the third phase of its implementation. Specifically, the goals include capturing: i) Major achievements across the program components at outcome and output le...

Analysis of Detention Related Cases of Nepali Migrant Workers in Malaysia

The major objective of this study was to examine the policy gaps and provide recommendations to address the issue of migrant’s workers based on the data/information available with PNCC. Focusing on migration of Nepali workers to Malaysia, this study seeked to examine the situation r...

An Assessment of Available Gender Data on Migration in Nepal

The overall objective of the assignment is to assess the extent to which available data, nationallyprioritized SDG targets and indicators in Nepal (at national and local levels) are disaggregated by genderand other variables e.g., caste/social and economic status, region and other soc...

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