Development of “Nepal Labour Migration Status Report”

The objective of the proposed assignment is to provide technical support in the development of the Nepal Labour Migration Report 2024, which will provide a comprehensive overview of labour migration from Nepal with a focus on the fiscal years 2022/23 and 2023/24. The report will provide: i) updated information on the major trends of labour migration from Nepal disaggregated according to countries of destination (including India), districts and provinces of origin, number of labour approval renewal, modes of obtaining labour approval, gender, age, skills profile, and return migration while also highlighting gaps in the data. The report will also collate and present information on foreign migrant workers working in Nepal; ii) an overview of Nepal’s labour migration governance regime, including institutional mechanisms in line with GCM and legislative frameworks as well as the employer-pays principle, commitments made at regional and global fora, bilateral labour migration agreements (BLMAs), good practices in labour migration governance, services provided by diplomatic missions, key policy developments in destination countries, and an overview of data, policy and programmes at all three tiers of government; iii) information on emerging themes such as remittances, reintegration, migration cost, and lessons from the Safer Migration Programme; and iv) way forward, including analysis based on the findings of the recruitment cost survey of Nepali migrant workers conducted by the NSO.

Collaborating organization
International Labour Organization (ILO) & Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MoLESS)
November, 2024 - March, 2025

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