Women’s Integration Into The Labour Market: A Comparative Study Of Migrant Returnees And Non-Migrants

This paper aims to fill this gap, examining the interplay between pre-migration and post-return contextual factors, migration conditions abroad and circumstances of return to study how they impact the reintegration process of returnee women migrant workers (RWMWs) into Nepal’s labour market. This mixed methods study provides a comparative analysis of RWMWs and non-migrant women. It uses information collected through a survey of 1220 women from both groups; key informant interviews with relevant stakeholders at the community and district levels; in-depth interviews with RWMWs and their male family members; and focus group discussions (FGDs) with RWMWs and non-migrant women. Fieldwork for the study was carried out in 22 field sites in five representative districts—Jhapa, Sindhupalchowk, Nawalparasi, Kaski, and Kailali.

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