Return, Wage Theft and Access to Justice of Nepali Migrant Workers during COVID-19

Migrant workers all over the world have faced severe economic and social impacts as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nepalis who have migrated to various countries of destination are also among those hit hardest by the pandemic. The plight of migrant workers has been exacerbated further as their rights have been violated and they have, among others, been terminated from their jobs, stranded in the destination countries, suffered from wage theft, and forced to return home without receiving due wages and benefits. In this context, this study examines the impacts of Covid-19 on Nepali labour migrants in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries (GCC) countries and Malaysia. The study focuses on the impacts of the pandemic on Nepali migrant workers and their access to justice. A literature review and a survey were carried out to collect information about the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on the rights of migrant workers, including the impact on their access to justice in particular.

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