Child labour yet to be curbed in Banke

15 Sep, 2013

Thakur Singh Tharu

Though Banke is declared a child labourer-free area, the district still has around 3,000 children below working as labourers, according to the District Child Welfare Committee (DCWC).

A lack of monitoring and rescue of child labourers by government and non-governmental organisations is to blame for the situation. DCWC officials said 60 percent of the child labourers are under the age of 14 and the rest 40 percent of them are below 17. Likewise, more than 50 girls are said to be still working for their landlords as Kamlari (practice of girl child labourers).

Shova Shah, chief of Children and Women Development Office, said the trend of keeping children as labourer is yet to be curbed in the district. Meanwhile, a rally to create awareness against violence against children was held in the district on the occasion of the National Children’s Day on Saturday.

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