
Visually impaired man compelled to crush stones

Visually impaired Pan Singh Oda, 47, of Rudreshwor VDC-7 in the district crushes pebbles on a river bank nearby to feed his family.Though the earning from the job is too little, he has nothing else to do. “The amount I earn every day is sufficient only for that day,” he said, adding that he is the sole breadwinner in the family and that he is compelled to do the job though is visually impaired.
He said he lives with his wife, mother and two kids in the house. His wife Lila is also visually impaired and their seven-year-old son Nawaraj was born with disability. His four-year-old daughter, however, has no disability.
“My wife is unable to do household activities. She only can take care of our son,” he said, adding that they are married for 12 years.He said their son Nawaraj cannot get up from the bed and needs constant support. “Though I spent Rs 100,000 for his treatment, his condition did not improve,” he said.
Dana, mother of Pan Singh, said he lost vision at the age of one and that doctors suggested taking him to Kathmandu for treatment but they were unable to afford the expenses due to poverty.
Pan Singh said sells a sack of crushed pebbles for Rs 35. “We borrow food from neighbours if there’s no work,” he said.
Around 55 Dalit families have been living in the village but most of them do not have their own farmland. Local Nandaram Oda said they are unable to help Pan Singh’s family due to their poverty.
Published on: 7 October 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

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