
Employment fund to start two pilot programmes

a multi donor employment initiative — will start two pilot programmes targeting employment and self-reliant for youths. According to the fund, one of the training programmes has been especially designed to support the extremely poor and differently-abled youths in getting jobs or to be self-reliant.

The fund will start the programmes as pilot projects, said communication officer at the fund Komal Bhatta. “About 1,460 youths aged between 18-40 years spread in 21 districts will benefit from it,” he said. Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and UKAid have been supporting programmes.

The training programmes are expected to be a success as it will guarantee employment. According to its modality, private training institutes associated with the programme will have to provide employment to trainees and then only will they be refunded the training cost. This outcome-based payment system will be the main reason behind our success, added Bhatta.

According to the fund, the pilot project, Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment, aims to create jobs for additional youth in the newly formed enterprises. “Both literate and illiterate youth can participate in the training. There is no barrier based on economic or social status,” he said. Business development orientation will be provided to youth before the training, he added. Another training has targeted marginalised people including HIV positive people, jailbirds, differently-abled people, freed bonded labourers, and street people. It aims to create employment for them according to their needs. Training covers youth from 16 districts, mostly Terai districts.

The Employment Fund was established in 2007 by the government, international development agencies — SDC, DFID and World Bank — and private sector training and job providers. Fund has been providing demand-based training to 15,000 youths every year.

Published on: 19 December 2012 | The Himalayan Times

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