
Crisis deepens for Sajha Publication as staffs go on strike

Adding to the woes of the ailing Sajha Prakashan, some staff have launched indefinite strike at the central office of the state own publishing house from Friday to press for their demands.

These agitating employees are seeking the resignation of the board of directors appointed by the earlier government, besides their overdue salary.

On the other hand, the publication´s general manager Mamta Jha charged that some staff affiliated to the Nepali Congress, which has just returned to the helm of power, want to oust the existing management team appointed by the earlier government. 

But the agitating employees argue that they have not received provident fund for the last eight months, beside the salary for the last month.
However, Jha insisted that these staff have mentally tortured account chief Kiran Shrestha to such an extent that he is under medical assistance. 

Jha further claimed that a group of eight employees have instigated all other staff at the Pulchowk-based central office, saying that they would not get salary for a long time if they do not pressurize the authority.

Regarding those who are demanding her resignation for her alleged incompetence, she said that the office is shortly submitting a draft report to a high-level commission formed to reform Sajha Prakashan, including a provision to appoint only academic people to the post of the general manager.

“The draft proposes certain criteria under which either the academic persons or the government´s secretary alone could be appointed to the post,” she told Republica on Saturday. “Hence, there is no point in pressing for my resignation.” 

The publication that is already owes a whopping Rs 140 million to Janak Education Material Centre (JEMC), is bearing the cost of Rs 130 million on staff salary every year. However, the dispute over the payment has soured relations between the two state enterprises that have been working together for over four decades now. 

Although an agreement between the Ministry of Education (MoE), JEMC and Sajha Prakashan in January had paved the way to continue the contract between the two agencies to supply books in eight districts of Karnali, it is still unclear whether Sajha will supply the textbooks by the beginning of new academic session on April 13 or not. 
“A delay to submit the report recommending the solution to an ongoing dispute between two agencies has also created impediment to the supply of books to the rest of the districts”, she added. 

A three-member committee led by Law Secretary at the Prime Minister´s Office Raju Man Singh Malla was to submit recommendations to the government on February 11 in the case, but the committee is yet to complete its task.
As the MoE decided to give permission to the private sector to print books of grade one to three for the Eastern, Western and Far-western Regions, the publication has additionally lost its income source. 

Sajha, the only agency to supply books printed by the JEMC, has not much work throughout the years. As a result, the income generated for just three months make it difficult to bear the cost for the rest of the year, Jha complained.

Published on: 23 February 2014 | Republica 

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