
Workers’ Salary Hike Accord in Trouble

Hopes of industrial peace being restored after the Central Labour Advisory Committee (CLAC) of the government, major trade unions and employers striking a deal on the pay hike of workers and other issues on Friday can be short-lived. 

On Saturday, a faction of the Maoist trade union and other fringe unions slammed the agreement. At a time when labour militancy is becoming the main concern of investors, factional politics marring the industrial sector is likely to further keep investors at bay.

On Friday, a CLAC meeting held in the presence of Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai decided to implement the governmentfixed minimum salary along with other agreements reached between major trade unions and employers on March 24. Five trade unions, including the major three—General Federation of Nepalese Trade Union (GEFONT), All Nepal Trade Union Federation (ANTUF) and Nepal Trade Union Congress—the Federation of N e p a l e s e Chambers of Commerce and Industry ( F N C C I ) from the employ e r s’ side and the government form the CLAC.

The faction of ANTUF, the Maoist trade union, along with other fringe unions, termed Friday’s agreement as ‘Majdurmara’ or against the workers’ interests, given its provision of prohibiting ‘illegal’ strikes and the nowork no-pay system. “Even the strongest condemnation of this government’s act will be less,” a joint press statement released by them said.

Published on: 2 October 2011 | The Kathmandu Post

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