
Daily News Compilation | 6 December 2022


किन घट्यो रेमिट्यान्स ?
अन्नपूर्ण पोष्ट

प्रदेश १ मा उद्योगहरूको औसत क्षमता उपयोग घट्यो, ५‍.९% ले गुमाए रोजगारी

विदेशमा विपत्मा परेका आफ्नै श्रमिकलाई वास दिन सक्दैन सरकार
नयाँ पत्रिका

Features and Opinions


- The links would be active at the time this newsletter was circulated and CESLAM cannot be held responsible for any that might have gone dead since.
- CESLAM will not be responsible for the authenticity of news

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