
  • Institutional departure of migrant workers down 12.28 percent

    Year of Publication: 26 October 2011 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Although the total departure of migrant workers has increased, departure through recruitment agencies has slowed down in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. The first three months’ figure shows that ...

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  • ५६ प्रतिशत परिवारले रेमिट्यान्स पाउँछन्

    Year of Publication: 25 October 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    देशका ५६ प्रतिशत परिवारले रेमिट्यान्स पाउन थालेका छन् । तेस्रो जीवनस्तर सर्वेक्षणले सार्वजनिक गरेको यस तथ्यांक अनुसार मुलुकका करिब ३१ लाख परिवारले रेमिट्यान्स पाउने गरेका छन् । राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०६८ ले देशमा ...

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  • इ-डिभी भर्नेको घुइँचो

    Year of Publication: 24 October 2011 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    अमेरिका बसोबासको सपना बोकेर डिभी चिट्ठा भर्नेको अहिले बढेको छ। यस वर्ष असोज १८ गते सुरु भएको चिट्ठा भर्ने समय कात्तिक १९ गते सकिँदैछ।

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  • कराँते प्रशिक्षकद्वारा खेलाडी भन्दै विदेश पठाइयो

    Year of Publication: 24 October 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    कराँतेका राष्ट्रिय प्रशिक्षक टीकाराम मोटे बसाइ -जीवन) ले अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय खेलुकदमा सहभागी गराउन भन्दै खेलाडी बनाएर वैदेशिक रोजागारीमा पठाउने गरेको खुलेको छ ।

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  • जापानमा आजीवन काराबास भोगिरहेका मैनाली निर्दोष रहेको प्रमाण 'भेटिए'

    Year of Publication: 24 October 2011 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    एक जापानी महिलाको हत्या आरोपमा १४ वर्षदेखि त्यहाँकै जेलमा रहेका गोविन्द मैनालीको डिएनए परीक्षणका क्रममा उनी निर्दोष रहेको यथेष्ट प्रमाण भेटिएको जापानी सञ्चार माध्यमहरूले जनाएका छन्। 

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  • अवैध कामदारलाई मलेसियाले भन्यो: 'अक्टोबर ३१ सम्म स्वदेश फर्क’

    Year of Publication: 23 October 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    बायोमेटि्रक प्रणालीसहित 'आममाफी कार्यक्रम' ल्याएको मलेसियाले घर र्फकन चाहने अवैध विदेशी कामदारले अक्टोबर ३१ सम्ममा मुलुक छाड्नुपर्ने निर्णय गरेको छ । 

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  • Next batch of Nepali EPS job aspirant's flight delay

    Year of Publication: 23 October 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Human Resource Department (HRD) South Korea is planning to hold Korean language test– Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) – at the end 2012. 

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  • Malay amnesty

    Year of Publication: 23 October 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The Malaysian government has announced amnesty to illegal workers giving the time to leave the country before October 31.

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  • राजदूतको असहयोगले श्रम सहचारी फर्किन्

    Year of Publication: 21 October 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    संयुक्त राष्ट्र इमिरेट्स -युएई) का लागि पठाइएकी श्रम सहचारी पार्वती अर्यालले राजदूतको पूर्वग्राहपूर्ण व्यवहारबाट पीडित भएको बताएकी छन् । उनले राजदूतबाट भएको 'मानसिक यातना' सहन नसकेर काठमाडौं फर्केको बताइन् ।

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  • मलेसियामा तीन नेपाली महिला अलपत्र

    Year of Publication: 21 October 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    सम्झौताअनुसार तलब- सुविधा माग गर्दा कम्पनीले निकालिदिएपछि मलेसियामा ३ नेपाली महिला अलपत्र परेका छन्् । 

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  • My way home

    Year of Publication: 21-27 October 2011 | Nepali Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    How to make a soft landing for those who decide to come back to work in Nepal.

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  • पीडित खोज्दै अमेरिकी वकिल

    Year of Publication: 20 October 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    इराकमा गोली खाएका रजहर, नवलपरासीका सुरज लामा अमेरिकी माथेउ हन्डेलीलाई खोज्दै काठमाडौं आइपुगे । इराकस्थित ब्रलम्मरी कम्पनीबाट क्षतिपूर्ति नपाएका उनी राहतको आशा लिएर हन्डेली भेट्न राजधानी आइपुगेका थिए ।

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  • Redeeming foreign employment

    Year of Publication: 19 October 2011 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    When one of the teenage girls, though officially she was a bona fide candidate to opt for foreign employment, was asked whether she knew that going to a foreign country as a ...

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  • Kin mourn death of Gurkha

    Year of Publication: 19 October 2011 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    It was the last day of his duty in Afghanistan after completing four months in the war-torn country, and he was scheduled to fly back to the British Military Garrison in Brunei ...

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  • Govt fixes rates for foreign employment insurance

    Year of Publication: 18 October 2011 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The government intervened in the foreign employment insurance market on Monday and fixed different premium rates based on insurance policy´s tenure and age of applicants to create uniformity in the prices of ...

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  • Nepalis in Qatar can send money via mobile

    Year of Publication: 18 October 2011 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Migrant workers in Qatar will shortly be able to send money to Nepal with the help of a SMS - thanks to newly introduced service - Mobile Banking Service - of Qatar ...

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  • दोहोरो नागरिकताको माग

    Year of Publication: 18 October 2011 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    हालै गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ (एनआरएनए) को सम्मेलन सत्र बुँदे घोषणापत्र जारी गरेर सम्पन्न भएको छ। घोषणापत्रमा नेपालको शान्तिप्रवि्र्कयादेखि विविध क्षेत्रमा गरिनुपर्ने नीतिगत सुधारसम्मका उपदेश पस्किइएको छ। 

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