
  • 95 fake Nepali passports seized in 2011

    Year of Publication: 10 December 2011 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Hem Kumari Pandey is an Indian national but holds a Nepali passport. If her statement to the Department of Immigration (DoI) is to be believed, she managed to get the passport just ...

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  • Down and out, worker returns

    Year of Publication: 9 December 2011 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    A Nepali migrant worker, who is taking shelter in the Nepali embassy in Qatar after getting into trouble for possessing a fake passport, is returning home on Friday. 

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  • Tears in Korea

    Year of Publication: 9 December 2011 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    The KIMFF, which opened on Thursday afternoon with uplifting words from smiling Mingma Sherpa, the summitteer of 14 peaks over 8,000 meters, suddenly entered into a world of heartbreak and introspection with ...

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  • Lost labour, Nepal

    Year of Publication: 9-15 December 2011 | Nepali times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Every year 450,000 workers enter Nepal's labour force out of which 100,000 are skilled. But political instability and protracted transition has led to mass exodus of skilled and semi-skilled workers.

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  • ५२७ जनासँग रकम लिएर म्यानपावर सञ्चालक फरार

    Year of Publication: 8 December 2011 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    मकाउ पठाउने भन्दै ५ सय २७ जनासँग रकम उठाएर अपच्र्युनिटी म्यानपावर सर्भिस प्रालिका सञ्चालकहरू बेपत्ता भएका छन् । उनीहरूलेे मकाउ जान इच्छुक कामदारसँग पचास हजारदेखि दुई लाखसम्म असुलेका थिए । 

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  • Manpower agencies struggle as Qatar beckons

    Year of Publication: 8 December 2011 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    As Qatar gears up for the soccer World Cup in 2022, manpower agencies in Nepal are struggling to meet the increasing demand for unskilled construction workers from the first Gulf nation chosen ...

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  • ILO regional meeting to focus on employment‚ protection

    Year of Publication: 08 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times 

    Published by: CESLAM

    Government agencies and employers’ organisations concluded discussion on co-coordinating macroeconomic, employment and social protection policies, supporting productive employment, sustainable enterprises and skills development and rights at work and social dialogue that started ...

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  • UK introduces online application system

    Year of Publication: 6 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The British Embassy in Nepal today introduced online applications and appointments for visa applications under the points-based system.

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  • The working world

    Year of Publication: 5 December  2011 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    If Asia is to sustain its growth it will need to place quality employment at the core of policy-making, rather than assuming it will follow as a by-product of the growth

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  • The Rising Demand - Malaysia to topple Qatar to regain top hiring destination status

    Year of Publication: 5 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Plans to hire over one lakh Nepalis,offer best salary among popular foreign job markets

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  • विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीलाई पनि मतदाता परिचयपत्र दिइने

    Year of Publication: 4 December 2011 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    निर्वाचन आयोगले विदेशमा रहेका नेपालीलाई पनि फोटोसहितको मतदाता परिचयपत्र व्यवस्था गर्ने भएको छ । नेपाली दूतावास रहेका मुलुकमा यो व्यवस्था गरिनेछ । गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघ (एनआरएन) ले चाहना राखेपछि आयोगले यो प्रक्रिया ...

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  • FEPB to aid migrants' kids

    Year of Publication: 4 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Foreign Employment Promotion Board (FEPB) is providing scholarships for children of migrant workers from forthcoming education year. The board is distributing scholarships to around 900 children of migrant worker from April, 2012. 

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  • जापानी जेलमा रहेका मैनाली डिएनए परीक्षणमा निर्दोष पाइए

    Year of Publication: 4 December 2011 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    हत्या अभियोगमा ११ वर्षदेखि जापानी जेलमा रहेका गोविन्द मैनालीको मुद्दामा 'सर्ट लिस्ट' गरिएका १५ मध्ये १० को डिएनए परीक्षण नतिजा शतप्रतिशत गोविन्द मैनालीको पक्षमा देखिएको छ।

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  • घर फर्कन "धरौटी”

    Year of Publication: 3 December 2011 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    चन्द्रगढी झापाका २४ वर्षीय नरेन्द्र अधिकारीलाई लेबनान र्फकन रहर थिएन । चार वर्षसम्म लेबनान बसिसकेका उनी त्यहाँ कामअनुसार तलब र थप सेवा सुविधा नभएकाले स्वदेशै बस्न चाहन्थे ।

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  • In remittance-GDP ratio, Nepal stands 6th worldwide

    Year of Publication: 3 December 2011 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepal has ranked 6th among all countries across the globe that receive more remittances as a share of gross domestic product in 2011, says a latest report of the World Bank on ...

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  • S Arabia accepts old passport

    Year of Publication: 3 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Saudi Arabia has decided to accept the passport for next few months. The forth prefered destination after Qatar, Malaysia and United Arab Emirates has stopped issuing visa on handwritten passport last month.

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  • Govt to hike migrant workers' salary

    Year of Publication: 2 December 2011 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The government is planning to hike salary of Nepali migrant workers in major job destinations Malaysia and Gulf countries.

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