
  • Malaysia to hire 10,000 Nepalis as guards

    Year of Publication: 29 January 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Malaysian government has decided to hire 10,000 Nepali security guards after suspending for almost two years. Home Ministry has approved to hire 10,000 Nepali in security guards, The Strait Times reported.

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  • Migrant's body arriving from Nigeria

    Year of Publication: 28 January 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The body of Raj Singh Bishwakarma, a Butwal resident killed in a crossfire between security forces and the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram in Kano of Nigeria on January 20, will arrive ...

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  • Repeat migrant workers account for half of worker departures

    Year of Publication: 27 January 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Half of the worker departures in the first six months of the current fiscal year consisted of repeat migrant workers. The rest were leaving for foreign employment for the first time.

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  • Woman out of contact since 2 years in Saudi

    Year of Publication: 27 January 2012 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    "Sister help, help ….please save me." These were the last words Laxmi BK Rai had heard from her sister Lalita BK over phone on June 7.

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  • Workers migration grow by 13.63pc

    Year of Publication: 26 January 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepali blue-collar jobseekers’ migration to foreign job markets has increased by 13.63 per cent in Poush compared to previous month’s 18,784.

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  • Global uncertainty may hit Nepal

    Year of Publication: 25 January 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepal might feel the heat of global uncertainty, according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO). “The global uncertainty stemming from the euro area sovereign debt crisis and the continuing weakness of the ...

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  • स्याङ्जा र बुटवलका दुई युवा नाइजेरियामा मारिए

    Year of Publication: 25 January 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    अफ्रिकी मुलुक नाइजेरियाको कानो सहरमा शुक्रबार साँझ भएको आतंककारी हमलामा परी मरेका दुई नेपाली हरिप्रसाद भुसाल र राज सिंहको शव नेपाल फिर्ता ल्याउने पहल सुरु भएको छ ।

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  • 127 workers in Qatar face deportation

    Year of Publication: 24 January 2012 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    More than 100 Nepali workers are being deported from Qatar for calling a strike against low pay. 

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  • नाइजेरिया आक्रमणमा दुई नेपालीको मृत्यु

    Year of Publication: 24 January 2012 |  Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    पश्चिम अफ्रिकी मुलुक नाइजेरियामा शुक्रबार भएको श्रृखलाबद्ध आक्रमणमा दुई नेपालीको मृत्यु भएको छ।  मृत्यु हुने नेपाली हरिप्रसाद भुसाल र राज सिंह भएको नाइजेरियाको अबुजास्थित भारतीय काउन्सिलरले जारी गरेको विज्ञप्तिमा उल्लेख छ। दुवैको ...

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  • Two Nepalis killed in Nigeria

    Year of Publication: 24 January 2012 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    Two Nepali nationals lost their lives in a series of bombings and gun attacks by an Islamic sect in Nigeria. Hari Prasad Bhusal and Raj Singh, whose addresses in Nepal are yet ...

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  • 'प्रतिबन्धित' इराकमा नेपाली-भीड

    Year of Publication: 23 January 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    सन् २००४ को अगस्तमा इराकमा १२ नेपालीको हत्या भएपछि रोजगारी गन्तव्यमा 'प्रतिबन्धित' रहेको यो मध्यपूर्वी मुलुकसँग नेपालको सम्बन्ध पनि प्रतिबन्धमा परेसरह बन्यो । २००८ को अन्त्यदेखि नेपालले आफ्ना नागरिकले पाउने पासपोर्टमा 'इराक ...

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  • Migrant workers: 70 families awaiting bodies of kin abroad

    Year of Publication: 22 January 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nearly 70 bodies of Nepali migrant workers are waiting in various Gulf countries and Malaysia to be repatriated back to Nepal. Most of these countries require exit visa even for a body.

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  • मलेसियाका डान्स रेस्टुरेन्टमा नेपाली युवती

    Year of Publication: 21 January 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    परदेशको ठाउँ । शुक्रबार साँझ । व्यस्त सडक छेउ एउटा पाँच तारे होटलसँगै टाँसिएको ढोका अनि नजिकै एक अधबैंसे मानिस र केही युवतीहरू भेटिए । 'प्लिज वेलकम' भित्र पस्न नपाउँदै उनीहरूले स्वागत ...

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  • प्रजनन उमेरका २० लाख देश बाहिर

    Year of Publication: 21 January 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    राष्ट्रिय जनगणना २०६८ ले अपेक्षा गरेभन्दा निकै कम जनसंख्या वृद्धिदर देखायो । अघिल्लो जनगणनामा २ दशमलव ५ प्रतिशतमा रहेको वृद्धिदर यो पल्ट झन्डै आधा अर्थात् १ दशमलव ४ मा झर्यो६ । किन ...

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  • BoP surplus at record Rs 61.19b

    Year of Publication: 21 January 2012 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    Even though overall trade deficit widened by more than 16 percent, country´s balance of payment (BoP) recorded all time high surplus of Rs 61.19 billion over the first five months of the ...

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  • मृगौला फेर्न सवारी मजदुरलाई सहयोग

    Year of Publication: 20 January 2012 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    दुवै मृगौला काम नलाग्ने भएपछि उपचारका लागि स्वदेश फर्किएका सवारी मजदुर प्रकाश बस्नेतको उपचारका लागि स्वदेश एवं विदेशबाट आर्थिक सहयोग जुट्न थालेको छ । 

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  • South Korea hikes EPS quota

    Year of Publication: 20 January 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    South Korea has increased Employment Permit System (EPS) quota by 9,000 for the year 2012. South Korean Ministry of Employment and Labour has decided to hire a total of 57,000 migrant workers ...

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