
  • साउदीमा कालोसूचीमा परेका कम्पनीमा कार्यरत नेपाली अलपत्र

    Year of Publication: 20 May 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    साउदी अरबले रेड जोन -कालोसूची) मा राखेका कम्पनीमा कार्यरत नेपालीकामदारले तलब नपाउने भएका छन् । साथै ती कामदारले घर फिर्नसमेत पाएका छैनन्।

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  • Jobs galore for far west workers as workforce scarcity hits east

    Year of Publication: 18 May 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    As attraction to foreign jobs continues to make availability of workers scarce, factories along the Morang-Sunsari corridor have started sourcing laborers from the western region, promising extra perks and benefits.

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  • S Arabia topples Qatar as top hiring destination

    Year of Publication: 16 May 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The month Chaitra (mid-March to mid-April) witnessed two changes in the outsourcing sector –– about 21.20 per cent growth in worker migration and Saudi Arabia topples Qatar in the top hiring country ...

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  • Remittance inflow boosts forex reserves,

    Year of Publication: 14 May 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Increasing flow of remittance and service receipt have boosted the foreign exchange reserves of the country.

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  • Success in fight against human trafficking

    Year of Publication: 14 May 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Department of Foreign Employment, police rescued 60 victims in six months Improving coordination among stakeholders has helped control trafficking of women migrant workers.

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  • South Korea arrests illegal migrant workers

    Year of Publication: 13 May 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    South Korea started taking action against illegal migrant workers from Thursday. The popular destination among Nepali youths has arrested over a dozen illegal Nepali workers in the last three days.

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  • Migrant returnee creates employment back home

    Year of Publication: 11 May 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    With the changing political scenario and stability in sight, migrant Nepali workers are heading back home with the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their stay in foreign lands.

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  • Govt to fix minimum pay for migrant workers

    Year of Publication: 11 May 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    The government has been working to fix the minimum salary for migrant workers in a number of labour destinations.

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  • अमरलाई मृत्युदण्डबाट जोगाउँछु: प्रधानमन्त्री

    Year of Publication: 10 May 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    प्रधानमन्त्री बाबुराम भट्टराईले युएईमा मृत्युदण्डको फैसला भएर ९ वर्षदेखि जेल परेका अमरबहादुर बमको जीवन जसरी पर्ने रक्षा गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता जनाएका छन् ।

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  • Wife pleads for safe return

    Year of Publication: 10 May 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Dhanisha Devi, whose husband Amar Bahadur Bam is on death row for allegedly being complicit in the murder of an Indian businessman in the UAE, urged President Ram Baran Yadav and Prime ...

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  • अभिमुखीकरण संस्थामा पूर्वाधार र तालिम गुणस्तरीय छैन

    Year of Publication: 9 May 2012 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारका लागि अभिमुखीकरण तालिमकोअनुमति पाएको गोगंबुको टावर इन्फो फरेन जब ओरिन्टेसन संस्था अध्यारो सानोकोठामा ५२ जनालाई तालिम दिइएको भेटियो।

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  • Away from home

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The meeting of the Economic Strategy Group recently convened by US Ambassador Scott DeLisi discussed the role of the Nepali diaspora in the country’s economic development through the utilization of their skills, ...

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  • मलेसियामा मृत्यु

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    डेढ वर्षअघि रोजगारीका लागि मलेसिया पुगेका जमुना ६ का ४६ वषर्ीयठम्मबहादुर गुरुङको सडक दुर्घटनामा मृत्यु भएको छ । दुई साताअघि कार्यरतकम्पनीभित्रै गाडीको ठक्करले उनी गम्भीर घाइते भएका थिए ।

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  • अमरबहादुरको जीवनरक्षा अभियान 'मेरो पतिलाई बचाउनुस्’

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    दार्चुलामा हुर्के बढेकी धनमती सोमबार पहिलोपल्ट सिंहदरबार पस्दा उनकोअनुहारमा केही आशा पलाएझैं देखियो । पति अमरबहादुर बमको जीवनरक्षाका लागिपहल गरिदिन सरकारलाई आफैंले आग्रह गर्न पाएकोमा उनको मुहार उज्यालो भएको हो।

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  • Appeal for son's rescue from UAE death row

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The father of Amar Bam, who is on death row for allegedly being complicit in the murder of an Indian businessman in Dubai, has asked the government to take initiatives to save ...

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  • युएईमा पनि १६ हजार तलब तोक्न सिफारिस

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारको प्रमुख गन्तव्य मुलुकको पारिश्रमिक वृद्धि भएको खबरले कामदारलाई खुसी तुल्याइरहेका बेला संयुक्त अरब इमिरेट्स (युएई) को पनि तलब बढ्ने भएको छ ।

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  • युएईमा पनि २२ हजारकै हाराहारीमा तलब

    Year of Publication: 2012

    Published by: CESLAM

    सरकारले वैदेशिक रोजगारीको प्रमुख गन्तव्यमध्येको एक युएईमा जाने नेपाली कामदारको तलब न्यूनतम २२ हजार रुपैयाँ बनाउने तयारी गरेको छ। श्रम तथा यातायात व्यवस्था मन्त्रालयले यसअघि नै साउदी अरबको न्यूनतम तलब बढाउने निर्णय ...

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