
  • ३२० गोर्खा सैनिक कटौती

    Year of Publication: 13 June 2012 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    बेलायत सरकारले रक्षा पुनर्संरचनाअन्तर्गत ३ सय २० गोर्खा सैनिक कटौती गरेको छ ।काठमाडौंस्थित बेलायती दूतावासले मंगलबार जनाएअनुसार कटौतीमा पर्नेलाई एक वर्षअघि जानकारी गराइन्छ ।

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  • २ सय जनासँग १० करोड ठगी

    Year of Publication: 13 June 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    अफगानिस्तान लैजाने भन्दै २ सय जनासँग १० करोड उठाएका झापाका दुर्गा निरौला -बायाँ तस्बिर), उनका छोरा सोमनाथ र बुहारी अजन्त तुलाधर ।

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  • More Gurkhas to lose jobs in British Army

    Year of Publication: 13 June 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    More Gurkhas will lose their jobs in the British Army as part of further work on British Defence restructuring, according to the British Embassy in Kathmandu.

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  • कामदारलाई अर्को कम्पनीमा सार्ने दलाललाई कारबाही

    Year of Publication: 10 June 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    रोजगार अनुमति प्रणाली (ईपीएस) मार्फत काम गर्न यहाँ आएकाहरूलाई तोकिएभन्दा अन्य कम्पनीमा सार्न सक्रिय दलाललाई सरकारले कारबाही गर्ने भएको छ ।

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  • Mainali appeals for special visa

    Year of Publication: 9 June 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Govinda Prasad Mainali, who has been granted a retrial by the Tokyo High Court after he spent 15 years in a Japanese jail, has sought a special visa so that he can ...

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  • Migrants receive orientation

    Year of Publication: 9 June 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    About 26,429 migrant workers received foreign job orientation from 53 registered institutes in Baisakh (midApril to mid-May).

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  • Over 100,000 workers rejoin foreign jobs

    Year of Publication: 9 June 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    More than 100,000 migrant workers have rejoined foreign jobs in the last six months.

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  • १५ वर्पषपछि निर्दोष ठहर

    Year of Publication: 8 June 2012 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    एक जापानी महिलाको हत्या अभियोगमा १५ वर्षदेखि थुनामा रहेका इलामका गोविन्दप्रसाद मैनाली अनुसन्धानमा निर्दोष देखिएपछि टोकियोस्थित उच्च न्यायालयको आदेशमा बिहीबार जेलमुक्त भएका छन् ।

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  • Freedom at last

    Year of Publication: 8 June 2012 | The Kathmandu Post  

    Published by: CESLAM

    When Chandra Kala Mainali talked over the phone with her Japan-based youngest son on March 20, 1997, she had not the faintest idea that he would be imprisoned three days later.The mother ...

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  • Nepali freed, granted new trial in Japan murder case

    Year of Publication: 8 June 2012 | The Kathmandu Post 

    Published by: CESLAM

    A court in Tokyo on Thursday released a Nepali man and granted him a new trial on a high-profile 1997 murder case.Govinda Prasad Mainali, 45, has already served 15 years of the ...

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  • "Even slaves are treated better"

    Year of Publication: 8-14 June 2012 | Nepali Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Shanti Lama from Lalitpur (left) was raped by a recruiter who promised her a good job in Kuwait if she kept quiet. Nine months later, she was sent back by her employers ...

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  • जापानी जेलबाट १५ वर्षपछि नेपाली रिहा

    Year of Publication: 8 June 2012 | Naya Patrika

    Published by: CESLAM

    बलात्कार र हत्याको आरोपमा १५ वर्षदेखि जापानी जेलमा रहेका नेपाली गोविन्द मैनाली निर्दोष सावित भएपछि बिहीबार रिहा भएका छन् । आजीवन काराबासको सजाय पाएका मैनालीलाई त्यहाँको उच्चतम न्यायालयले सफाइ दिएको हो । 

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  • Nepali domestic workers abroad number over 160 K

    Year of Publication: 5 June 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The number of Nepalis working as domestic helps abroad has crossed 160,000.

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  • साउदीमा मापसे समस्या

    Year of Publication: 4 June 2012 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    बागलुङका रमेश थापाले रक्सी सेवन गरेको अभियोगमा ९ महिना साउदी अरबस्थित रियाद जेलमा बस्नुपर्‍यो । २ महिना सजाय सुनाए पनि उनी थप ७ महिना सजाय भोगेर स्वदेश आइपुगे ।

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  • NRNs can now buy foreign employment bonds

    Year of Publication: 4 June 2012 | The Himalayan Time

    Published by: CESLAM

    Government’s internal debt manager will allow Non Resident Nepalis (NRN) to purchase the upcoming issue of foreign employment bonds to counter earlier lukewarm response from migrant workers.

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  • ऐन-कानुनमा नरहेको श्रम

    Year of Publication: 2 June 2012 | Kantipur 

    Published by: CESLAM

    बागलुङ घर भएका रत्नाकर जैसी कतारको सहानिया उँट रेस क्षेत्रमा पालिएका उँटहरूको रेखदेख गर्ने काम गर्छन् । उँटलाई दानापानी, नुवाइ-धुवाइदेखि रेसमा दौडने काममा समेत जैसी खटिने गर्छन् । 

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  • टिप्पणी : आजाद, हथौडे वा तनुवा भिसा

    Year of Publication: 2 June 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    खाडीमा सबैभन्दा बढी समस्यामा पर्ने ती कामदार हुन्, जो व्यक्तिगत रूपमा एजेन्ट/दलालको पहलमा रंगीन सपना बोकर वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि छिरेका छन् ।

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