
  • Malaysian SC sentences Ghale to death

    Year of Publication: 26 September 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The Supreme Court (SC) of Malaysia on Tuesday upheld the verdict of capital punishment handed down by a local High Court to Hari Bahadur Ghale of Barsunchet VDC-1 of Nuwakot district.

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  • श्रम सम्झौता गर्न साउदी तयार

    Year of Publication: 26 September 2012 | Kantipur Daily

    Published by: CESLAM

    नेपालसँग श्रम सम्झौता गरेर नेपाली कामदार लैजान साउदी अरब तयार भएको छ । त्यसका लागि साउदीले प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढाउने जानकारी दिएको छ ।

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  • साहू फेर्दै साइप्रसबाट स्वदेश

    Year of Publication: 26 September 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    चर्को शुल्क तिरेर युरोपस्थित साइप्रसमा घरेलु काम गर्न गएकी महिला ५ साहूका घर फेर्दै आफ्नै टिकटमा स्वदेश फर्किएकी छन् ।

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  • Migrants' right to vote a far cry

    Year of Publication: 24 September 2012 | The Himalayan Times 

    Published by: CESLAM

    Budgetary constraints may prove to be the biggest hurdle in the government’s desire to enable migrant Nepali workers to vote in the country’s general elections.

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  • Nepali workers protest Malaysian co’s arbitary action

    Year of Publication: 24 September 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Around 700 Nepali workers at a Malaysian company have halted work in protest of a move by the management. The workers have accused the company, Maxter Glove Manufacturing, of arbitary deduction of ...

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  • Outsourcers divided regarding issuing bills to migrant workers

    Year of Publication: 24 September 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Outsourcing agencies are divided on the subject of issuing bills to migrant workers for the service fees paid by the workers. A clear division has been seen among executive members of Nepal ...

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  • Nepalis lose half billion in network scam

    Year of Publication: 22 September 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    After making handsome savings from years of hard work in Hong Kong (HK), Bishnu Kumar Damai of Pokhara had moved to the UK three years ago to plan a good life there. His ...

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  • भारतीय नागरिकबाट ५ सय महिला ठगिए

    Year of Publication: 24 September 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    भारतीय पासपोर्ट बनाएर वैदेशिक रोजगारका लागि हङकङ जान सिद्धार्थनगर १३ की बिनु गुरुङले भारत गोरखपुरका नेपाली मूलका नागरिकलाई १ लाख रुपैयाँ दिएको २ वर्ष बित्यो । उनको न पासपोर्ट बन्यो, न पैसा ...

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  • ७ सय नेपाली आन्दोलित

    Year of Publication: 24 September 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    विभिन्न बाहनामा पैसा काट्ने र अनाहकमा दुःख दिएको विरोधमा मलेसियाको एक कम्पनीमा कार्यरत करिब ७ सय नेपाली कामदार आन्दोलित छन् । सेलाङगरको मेरुमा रहेको माक्स्टर ग्लोब म्यानुफ्याक्चरिङ कम्पनीले ज्यादती गरेको भन्दै बिहीबारदेखि ...

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  • Nepali embassy offers to mediate dispute

    Year of Publication: 24 September 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The Nepali embassy in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday has offered to mediate the dispute between the Malaysian employer company and agitating workers.

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  • Overseas job seekers decline by 27%

    Year of Publication: 23 September 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The number of Nepali workers leaving for overseas jobs dropped by a whopping 26.79 percent during the first two months of the current fiscal year.

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  • 600 Nepalis strike in Malaysia

    Year of Publication: 23 September 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    About 600 Nepali workers have staged a protest against a Malaysian employer firm demanding quality food and better accommodation. The action has brought the company´s operations to a standstill for the last ...

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  • Outsourcers oppose reform plan

    Year of Publication: 22 September 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Outsourcing agencies have criticised the reform plan that aims to promote safe migration for foreign job aspirants.The Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies, and Federation of Democratic Foreign Employment Agencies have asked ...

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  • ‘Online system’ planned to bridge communication gap

    Year of Publication: 22 September 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Stakeholders in the foreign employment sector are gearing up to introduce an ‘online system’ to stay connected with each other and address the communication gap that has resulted in anomalies.

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  • विदेश जाने कामदारको नक्कली स्वास्थ्य परिक्षण गराउने गिरोह पक्राउ

    Year of Publication: 21 September 2012 | Kantipur Daily

    Published by: CESLAM

    बैदेशिक रोजगारमा जाने कामदारको स्वास्थ्य परिक्षण कागज मेनपावर कम्पनीले नै नक्कली बनाइदिने गरेको पाइएको छ । स्वास्थ्य परिक्षणका लागि कामदारबाट मोटो रकम असुलेर उनीहरुले नक्कली स्वास्थ्य परिक्षण गराएर बिदेश पठाइदिने गरेको पाइएको ...

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  • गैरकानुनी रुपमा विदेश पठाउने गिरोह पक्राउ

    Year of Publication: 21 September 2012 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    बानेश्वरस्थित केल्भिन ट्राभल्स एण्ड टुर्स प्रा.लि.मा केन्द्रीय अनुसन्धान ब्यूरोबाट खटिएको प्रहरी टोली, वैदेशिक रोजगार विभाग र अध्यागमन विभाग समेतको संयुक्त टोलीले छापा मारी वैदेशिक रोजगार विभागमा सेटिङ्ग मिलाई गैरकानुनी तवरबाट विदेश पठाई ...

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  • 4 held for forging documents

    Year of Publication: 21 September 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police has arrested four persons Wednesday on the charge of illegally sending people to foreign employments by colluding with some officials of the Departments of ...

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