
  • कोठामा थुनेर दुई वर्षसम्म यौन शोषण

    Year of Publication: 9 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    कञ्चनपुरकी एक युवती सुन्दा पनि कहालिलाग्दो घटनाको सिकार भएकी छन् । राम्रो जागिर लगाइदिने प्रलोभनमा साउदी अरब पुर्याएएकी ती युवती दुई वर्षसम्म घरमालिक र उनका पाहुनाको यौन शोषणको सिकार भएकी हुन् ।

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  • Banke woman ‘sexually exploited’ in SArabia

    Year of Publication: 9 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    A migrant worker from Parasan VDC-7 in Banke has allegedly faced sexual exploitation at the hand of her employer in Saudi Arabia.

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  • Job permits of 4,120 EPS employees to expire this year

    Year of Publication: 9 May 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Job permits of about 4,120 Nepalis working in South Korea will expire in 2013, as their job term has reached four years and 10 months. Employment Permit System (EPS) employees must return ...

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  • अफ्रिका जान लाग्नु भएको ? ठगीमा परिएला है

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    गत जनवरीमा केन्याको नैरोबीस्थित विमानस्थलमा उत्रिँदा भीमदत्त नगरपालिका–११, भुजेलाका जितु अधिकारीका हातमा नियुक्तिपत्र थियो। त्यसमा लेखिएको थियो– मुम्बासास्थित होटल 'दिल्ली सिक्स' मा वेटर। तलब मासिक १ हजार २ सय अमेरिकी डलर।

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  • US seeks talks with Bahrain on worker rights

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The United States is seeking talks with Bahrain over workers' rights following a report that cited the deterioration of labor protections in the Gulf state after 2011 unrest, officials said Tuesday.

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  • Govts asked to devise separate policy to ensure more remittance inflows

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    The South Asian Institute for Policy Analysis and Leadership (SAIPAL), a think tank, has suggested all government s to devise a separate policy to bring more remittances on a formal channel.

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  • EU‚ IOM join hands with government for safe migration

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The European Union (EU) and International Organisation for Migration (IOM) have joined hands with the government to promote safe migration.

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  • Remittance mostly spent on personal consumption: Report

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Most of the income coming from migrant workers as remittance is spent on consumption — especially in imports — here in Nepal.

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  • रेमिट्यान्स कारोबारमा जोखिम

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    रेमिट्यान्स कम्पनीको संख्या बढेर चर्को प्रतिस्पर्धा हुन थालेपछि सबैले प्रि-पेमेन्ट (पाउनुअघि भुक्तानी) गर्न थालेपछि जोखिम बढ्न थालेको छ । यसरी पहिले ग्राहकलाई दिएको रकम पठाउने ठाउँको बैंक/एक्सचेन्जले भुक्तानी नगरेपछि यहाँका वित्तीय संस्था ...

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  • रोजगार मापदण्ड वर्ष दिनदेखि मन्त्रालयमा

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारी मा जाने कामदारका सम्बन्धमा बनेको स्ट्यान्डर्ड अपरेसन प्रोग्राम (एसओपी) एक वर्षदेखि श्रम मन्त्रालयमा थन्किएको छ । वैदेशिक रोजगार विभागले भने एसओपी कार्यान्वयनसँग सम्बन्धित सरोकारवालासँग छलफल सकिएकाले छिट्टै कार्यान्वयन हुने आशा ...

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  • ‘Impulse buy scooped $1m jackpot’

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    It was a regular day at work for Dilliram Parajuli. A quotidian Thursday of April 25, a day as ordinary as the day before and days before ever since the 37-year-old arrived ...

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  • कुवेती जेलमा नेपाली महिलाद्वारा आत्महत्या

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    कुवेतको एउटा जेलमा रहेको बन्दीगृहमा एक ३५ वर्षीया नेपाली महिलाले आत्महत्या गरेकी छिन्।

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  • Nepali woman kills self in Kuwait jail

    Year of Publication: 7 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    A Nepali woman has reportedly committed suicide in Kuwait jail .

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  • युवा रोजगारको स्वदेशी ढोका

    Year of Publication: 6 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    अहिले देखापरेको बेरोजगार स्थिति सामान्य मान्न सकिँदैन । प्रत्येक वर्ष श्रम बजारमा आउने र जागिर खोज्नेको संख्या हेर्ने हो भने स्थिति भयावह मान्न सकिन्छ । नेपाल आर्थिक सर्वेक्षण २०६८/६९ लाई सन्दर्भ मान्ने ...

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  • श्रमिकका समस्या

    Year of Publication: 6 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    दुई साताअघि हनोइ हवाई अड्डामा जहाजतर्फ लाग्दा अगाडिको पंक्तिमा आफूपछाडि आफ्नै रंगरूपको एक युवक भेटिए। उनी राजस्थानी रहेछन्। उमेर पैंतीस चालीस वर्ष। नाम सुमित जैन।

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  • Nepal asks Karzai to release Nepali from Afghan jail

    Year of Publication: 6 May 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepali embassy in Pakistan has taken initiative for the release of a Nepali national Tilak Bahadur Thapa Magar currently serving prison term in Helmand Province of Afghanistan.

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  • कता छन् ९ करोड जित्ने डिल्लीराम ?

    Year of Publication: 5 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    भैरहवा रूपन्देहीका जयमंगल यादवलाई डेढ वर्षअघि कतारको दोहास्थित सफारी मलको 'विन वान मिलियन अफर' को लक्की ड्रमा १० लाख रियाल अर्थात् २ करोड रुपैयाँको पहिलो पुरस्कार परेको थियो ।

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