
  • साउदी छाड्न ४ दिनमै १३ हजार 'आउटपास'

    Year of Publication: 19 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    साउदी अरबले गैरकानुनी हैसियतका कामदारलाई दिएको आममाफी लिएर स्वदेश फिर्न शनिबारसम्म १३ हजार नेपाली कामदारले दूतावासमा 'आउटपास' बनाएका छन् । 

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  • 13,000 Nepali workers in Saudi Arabia apply for exit permit

    Year of Publication: 19 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Following the recent announcement of Saudi Arabia to grant amnesty to Nepali migrants working in the country illegally, 13,000 Nepalis have submitted applications to the Nepali embassy in Riyadh for exit permit as of ...

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  • फर्की आउँदैछु घरआँगन

    Year of Publication: 18 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    साउदी सरकारले अवैध कामदारलाई वैध हुन वा स्वदेश फर्कन प्रक्रियासहितको सूचना जारी गरेपछि वर्षौंदेखि अवैध भएर रहेका नेपालीमा स्वदेश फर्केर परिवारसँग भेटघाट गर्न पाउने विश्वास पलाएको छ।

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  • म यसरी जेल परें

    Year of Publication: 18 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    कतारको एउटा स्कुलका शिक्षक दोर्जे गुरूङ इस्लाम धर्मको अपमान गरेको अभियोगमा दुई साताअघि थुनिए । १२ दिन थुनामा बसेर यसै साता उनी नेपाल फर्किएका छन् ।

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  • Dorje Gurung’s story

    Year of Publication: 17 May 2013 | Nepali Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    I used to teach high school students at the Qatar Academy in Doha. Because of my long hair and Mongolian features students often taunted me, calling me ‘Chink’ or ‘Jackie Chan’.

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  • 'Rescuing housemaids a tough task'

    Year of Publication: 16 May 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Though Saudi Arabia has announced an amnesty for illegal workers, the Nepali government is worried about how to get the message across to housemaids. It is hard to inform housemaids who are ...

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  • Govt urged to address menace of migration

    Year of Publication: 16 May 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Start Youth, a non-governmental organisation working for youth rights, today organised an interaction where condition of disintegrated migrant families and the role of government in controlling migration, protecting human rights of migrant ...

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  • डिभीसम्बन्धी केही भ्रम

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    डाइभर्सिटी भिसा (डिभी) कार्यक्रम (जुन अनौपचारिकरूपमा 'ग्रीन कार्ड चिठ्ठा' का नामबाट पनि प्रचलित छ) संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिकाको अध्यागमन नीतिको एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हो। डिभी कार्यक्रम नेपालमा अति नै प्रचलित छ तर यो ...

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  • Back home, ex-Qatar Academy teacher plans to devote life to charity

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    His recent arrest in Qatar over alleged insult to Islam has brought a turning point in the life of a former Qatar Academy chemistry teacher Dorje Gurung.

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  • कामदारलाई सही सूचना प्रवाह गर्न आप्रवासी सम्मेलनको आग्रह

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    नेपालमा पहिलो पटक आप्रवासनका विविध विषयलाई समेटर राजधानीमा आयोजित दुईदिने 'राष्ट्रिय आप्रवासन सम्मेलन' ले वैदेशिक रोजगारलाई लाभदायक बनाउन र ठगी रोक्न सही सूचना प्रवाह प्रणालीमा जोड दिएको छ । कामदारलाई सही सूचना ...

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  • साउदीमा आममाफी

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    साउदी अरबले गत शुक्रबारबाट लागू हुने गरी गैरकानुनी कामदारलाई आममाफी दिएको छ । यसले गैरकानुनी कामदार स्वदेश फिर्न वा साउदीमै कानुनी हैसियतमा रहन पाउने भएका छन् ।

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  • Debunking myths

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The Diversity Visa or “DV” Program (also known as the “green card lottery”) is an important part of the immigration policy of the United States. The DV Program is very popular in ...

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  • Fate uncertain for Nepali man in Saudi jail

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The fate of a Nepali migrant worker, Umesh Yadav of Machijhtakaiya VDC-4 in Dhanusha, who has been serving a jail sentence in Saudi Arabia for the last six years, is still uncertain ...

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  • Nepali teacher freed from Qatar jail arrives

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Dorjie Gurung, a Nepali teacher who was detained in a jail in Qatar and later released, today said he was responding to “harassment” from his Muslim students in a jocular fashion, but ...

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  • 130,000 Nepalis to benefit from Saudi amnesty scheme

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Saudi Arabia has formally asked the Nepali mission in Riyadh to facilitate its citizens either to correct their legal status or move out of the country without facing punishment.

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  • Dynamics of discrimination

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Foreign labour migration is fast becoming an important livelihood strategy, even as concerns continue to be raised over the vulnerability of migrants.

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  • डलर पछ्याउँदै सात महिनामा अमेरिका

    Year of Publication: 15 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    उनको नाम राजु बराल (नाम परिवर्तन)। पर्वत उनको घर। उनी अहिले अमेरिकाको वर्सेस्टरमा बस्छन्। सात महिना लामो यात्रापछि पाँच महिनाअघि मात्र त्यहाँ पुगेका। पुगेको दुई महिनापछि जागिर पाए। मासिक एक लाख ३० ...

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