
  • Malaysia displaces Qatar as top destination for Nepali workers

    Year of Publication: 24 July 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Malaysia has displaced Qatar as the top recruiter of Nepali migrant workers. In the last fiscal year, departures to that Southeast Asian country jumped a whopping 60 percent as state-owned companies exhibited ...

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  • Nepali gets death in UAE

    Year of Publication: 24 July 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    A lower court in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates has sentenced a Nepali migrant worker to death for his involvement in the murder of a Pakistani national. On October 25, 2012, ...

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  • यूएईमा नेपालीलाई मृत्युदण्ड

    Year of Publication: 24 July 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    संयुक्त राष्ट्र इमिरेट्स (यूएई) को आबुधाबीस्थित तल्लो अदालतले पाकिस्तानी नागरिकको हत्या अभियोग लागेका नेपाली अनिश खालिङ राईलाई मृत्युदण्ड सुनाएको छ । मत्स्यपोखरी-३, संखुवासभाका निवासी २३ वषर्ीय राईलाई स्थानीय आबुधाबी अदालतले शनिबार मृत्युदण्ड ...

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  • मलेसियामा ३ नेपाली महिला समातिए

    Year of Publication: 23 July 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    मलेसियामा ३ नेपाली महिलासहित १५ महिलालाई प्रहरीले रेष्टुरेन्टबाट पक्राउ गरेको छ । जलान इनाइस्थित एक रेष्टुरेण्टमा आइतबार राति छापा मार्दा जिआरओ ढगेष्ट रिलेसन अफिसर) को रुपमा कार्यरत भनिएकाहरु पक्राउ परेका हुन् । ...

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  • दुबईमा नेपालीलाई मृत्युदण्ड सजाय

    Year of Publication: 22 July 2013 | Annapurna Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारका लागि दुबई गएका संखुवासभा मंडेपोवरी ३ का अनीश खालिङ राईलाई पाकिस्तानी नागरिकको हत्या गरेको अभियोगमा त्यहाँको एक अदालतले मृत्युदण्डको सजाय सुनाएको छ। दुबईमा महिलाले सञ्चालन गरेको व्यापारिक भान्सामा काम गर्ने नेपाली ...

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  • २१ जना कामदार क्याम्पबाट निकालिए

    Year of Publication: 22 July 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    कार्यरत कम्पनीले तलब र खाना नदिई क्याम्पबाट समेत निकालेपछि २१ जना नेपाली कामदार शरण खोज्दै आइतबार नेपाली दूतावास आइपुगेका छन् । कतारको गल्फ रियल स्टेट कम्पनीमा कार्यरत उनीहरूले आफूहरूलाई कपिलले पिट्ने, धम्काउने र ...

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  • Nepali housemaids get duped in Dubai

    Year of Publication: 22 July 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Due to unfair competition among intermediaries, housemaids in Dubai — commercial hub of the UAE — have been earning less than the prescribed minimum wage. Nepali housemaids in the destination are earning ...

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  • 21 Nepalis denied salary in Qatar

    Year of Publication: 22 July 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Twenty one Nepali migrant workers in Qatar reached the Nepali Embassy in Doha for help on Sunday after their employer denied them their salary for six months. They said they were ...

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  • विमल निभाका जुत्ता

    Year of Publication: 20 July 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    'धेरै दिनपश्चात् मलाई स्मरण भयो बाबुराम भट्टराईको कुन्नि, कहाँ छन् अहिले उनी र यहाँ म आफ्नो चुँडिएको चप्पलको फित्ता सिलाउन खोजिरहेछु यस बखत ।' एकाएक नसोचेको ...

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  • रेमिट्यान्स फजुलमा

    Year of Publication: 20 July 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    भूपराज रेग्मी दुई वर्षदेखि केन्यामा कार्यरत छन् । स्याङ्जा, जगतभञ्ज्याङ-१ का रेग्मीले कमाएर पठाउने मासिक करिब ३५ हजार रुपैयाँ लगभग घरखर्चमै सकिन्छ । 'खासै बचत हुन सकेको छैन,' उनी विदेश गएपछि वालिङ ...

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  • PNCC opens home for victim migrant workers

    Year of Publication: 19 July 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Pravasi Nepali Coordination Committee (PNCC), today, opened a shelter house for migrant workers. The shelter will provide boarding facility to victims along with psychological counseling and legal aids, said president of the ...

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  • वैदेशिक रोजगारको सामाजिक लागत

    Year of Publication: 18 July 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    विश्वका धेरैजसो युवाको पहिलो रोजाइ नै वैदेशिक रोजगार हुनपुगेको छ । केही रहर-रहरैमा त केही बाध्यतावश रोजगारका लागि विदेशिएका छन् ।

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  • Online ‘job shop’ for migrant workers ‘soon’

    Year of Publication: 18 July 2013 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    In a bid to control anomalies in the foreign employment sector, the government is planning to develop an online ‘job shop’ to help overseas employment agencies and prospective migrant workers.

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  • Foreign Employment Bond 2075 unable to meet expectations

    Year of Publication: 18 July 2013 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The subscription rate of the latest issue of foreign employment bonds soared by almost five times in comparison to last year’s issue, though it amounts to less than five per cent of ...

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  • New Saudi rules set rights for domestic workers

    Year of Publication: 17 July 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Saudi Arabia announced on Tuesday new rules to protect the rights of foreign domestic workers, most of whom are from South Asia, but stressed they must "respect" Islam and "obey" their employers.

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  • कतारमा परिचयपत्र नबोक्नेलाई १० हजार रियाल जरिवाना

    Year of Publication: 16 July 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    कतार सरकारले अब आफ्नो वैध परिचयपत्र नबोक्ने, कतार आएको सात दिनभित्रै मेडिकल र फिंगरप्रि न्ट नगराउने र कामदारको राहदानी राख्नेलाई १० हजार रियाल जरिवाना लगाउने भएको छ ।

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  • A tale of mental torture and Karzai's clemency

    Year of Publication: 16 July 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    As Tilak Bahadur Thapa Magar entered a cell in the ´Political Block´ of the Kabul jail housing mostly deadly-looking Taliban men, religious extremists and convicted murderers, he felt hopeless, helpless and also ...

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