
  • टर्कीमा राहदानी किनेर नेपाल हुँदै युरोप

    Year of Publication: 1 April 2015 | Annapurna Post

    Published by: CESLAM

     सिरिया द्वन्द्वका कारण विस्थापित भई छिमेकी मुलुक टर्की पुगेका त्यहाँका नागरिक मानव तस्करको फन्दामा परी नक्कली राहदानी किनेर नेपाल हुँदै युरोपका विभिन्न देशहरू जाने क्रम बढेको छ। तस्करहरूले विमानस्थल र अध्यामगन ...

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  • मानव तस्करले खोस्छन् कागजात

    Year of Publication: 1 April 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारका लागि भन्दै अवैध रूपमा खाडी पुर्‍याइएकी कोहलपुरकी सरिताको उद्धार सम्भव त भयो तर, विदेश पठाउनेविरुद्ध ढिलो गरी जाहेरी पर्‍यो । घटनाको अनुसन्धानपछि मुद्दा अदालत पुग्यो ।

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  • कुवेतमा भौंतारिँदै नेपाली जोडी

    Year of Publication: 1 April 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    कुवेतको मुख्य केन्द्र कुवेत सिटीनजिकैको बस्ती हो मंगाप । यहाँ धेरै नेपाली जोडी कागजातबिनै बसिरहेका छन् । सुरज चौधरी मजदुरी गर्न सन् २००८ मा आइपुगेका हुन् । नवलपरासीमा उनको परिवार छ । ...

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  • Bid to bring Nepalis home from Yemen

    Year of Publication: 1 April 2015 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The National Human Rights Commission has taken initiatives to bring Nepali migrant workers home from war-torn Yemen. Nepalis working in Sana, the capital city of Yemen, and another city Aden had ...

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  • Qatar labor minister arriving in capital on April 4

    Year of Publication: 1 April 2015 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Qatari Minister for Labor and Social Affairs Dr Abdullah bin Salih Al-Khulaifi is arriving in Kathmandu on a four-day official visit to Nepal on April 4.

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  • Harrowing tale of a migrant worker

    Year of Publication: 1 April 2015 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Chasing dreams, he went to Malaysia four years ago. But when he landed at the Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) two years later, he was not in a condition to recognize his own ...

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  • 'हाउसमेड' केन्द्रमा एक साँझ

    Year of Publication: 28 March 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    मार्च १८ को साँझ सात बजे कुबेत अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय विमानस्थलमा उत्रिएँ। घरेलु कामदार (हाउसमेड) बन्न कुबेत पुगेका नेपाली दिदीबहिनीको अवस्था बुझ्न म त्यहाँ गएको थिएँ। जहाजबाट ओर्लिर्नेबित्तिकै अध्यागमनतिर लागें। हाउसमेडको लाइन लामै रहेछ।

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  • Call to make post-mortem mandatory

    Year of Publication: 28 March 2015 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Amid growing concerns about workers’ safety in foreign destinations, a foreign employment expert has underlined the need for making post-mortem mandatory for every Nepali migrant worker who dies abroad, along with strict ...

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  • Mistreated in Malaysia

    Year of Publication: 28 March 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    About three weeks ago, Tika Rijal was walking out of his hostel—an apartment block where migrant workers are housed—in Subang Jaya, Malaysia, to buy a blanket to send home to Nepal.

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  • बहराइनका श्रम बजार नियामक नेपाल आउँदै

    Year of Publication: 27 March 2015 | Annapurna Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    नेपाली कामदारको कोटा र सेवासुविधा बढाउनेबारे छलफल गर्न बहराइनका श्रम बजार नियमन निकायका प्रमुख असमान अबुल्ला अल अवासी आगामी सोमबार नेपाल भ्रमणमा आउने भएका छन्। नेपाल सरकारको निमन्त्रणामा अवासीले औपचारिक भ्रमण गर्न ...

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  • At least two Nepalis die abroad daily

    Year of Publication: 27 March 2015 | The Himalayan Times 

    Published by: CESLAM

    The prospect of improving their living standards lures tens of thousands of Nepalis to seek employment abroad, but on an average, more than two of them die in the international labour destinations ...

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  • Educated and unemployed

    Year of Publication: 2015

    More women are pursuing education degrees, but it will be difficult to gainfully engage them in work.

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  • Govt to establish Labour Dept branches outside Kathmandu

    Year of Publication: 25 March 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    The government is working to expand foreign employment related services through the branch offices of Department of Labour (DoL) across the country. The move is expected to relieve thousands of aspirant migrant ...

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  • Qatari minister scheduled to visit Nepal to discuss labour issues

    Year of Publication: 25 March 2015 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    A high-level delegation of Qatari officials, led by its Minister for Labour and Social Affairs Abdullah Saleh Mubarak al-Khulaifi, is arriving in Nepal next month to discuss labour issues.

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  • न श्रीमती, न सम्पत्ति

    Year of Publication: 25 March 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    'यतिका वर्ष खाडी बसेर कमाउँदै घरमा पैसा पठाएँ, फर्केर आउँदा सम्पत्तिसँगै श्रीमती पनि लापता,' एक युवकले भने, 'सबै लटीपटी पारेर अर्कैसँग गइछ ।' १२ वर्षदेखि खाडी मुलुकमा रोजगारी गर्दै आएका कास्कीका उनी ...

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  • कतारबाट १५ दिनपछि शव

    Year of Publication: 25 March 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा कतार गएका नेत्रगन्ज ५ का ३० वषर्ीय रामकेवल रामको २ वर्षपछि बुधबार शव आउँदा परिवारमा रुवाबासी चलेको छ। यसै महिना भिसाको २ वर्षे अवधि गुज्रेकाले घर फर्किने तयारीमा रहेका उनको ...

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  • बाबालाई भनिदिनू 'छोरी कुवेतमा बाँचेकी छे’

    Year of Publication: 25 March 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    'मलाई त घरमा सबैले मरिसके भन्ने ठाने होला,' संगीता लिम्बुले यसो भनिराख्दा नजिकका उनकी संगिनीले तत्काल भनिन्, 'घ्यावा (अन्येष्टिपछि गरिने काजक्रिया) पनि भइसक्यो कि ?' संगीताले यसो ठान्नु स्वाभाविकै थियो । बितेको ...

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