
  • WB: Remittance inflows soared after earthquake: Migrant workers sent $6.6 billion to their families in 2015, up 20.9pc year-on-year

    Year of Publication: 15 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Remittance inflows to Nepal rose sharply immediately after the Gorkha Earthquake as migrant workers rushed money to their families for living expenses and rebuilding destroyed homes, a World Bank report said.

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  • Nepal’s envoy to Saudi injured in knife attack: Assailant Laxman Bahadur Rai of Sunsari detained

    Year of Publication: 15 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepal’s Acting Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Ananda Prasad Sharma, was attacked with a knife at his office on Thursday by a fellow citizen. 

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  • Nepali envoy stabbed in Saudi Arabia

    Year of Publication: 15 April 2016 | The Himalayan Time

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepal’s Acting Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Ananda Prasad Sharma was stabbed when he was on duty at his office in Riyadh today.

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  • साउदीमा सुतेकै अवस्थामा मृत्यु

    Year of Publication: 15 April 2016 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    घर बिदामा जाने तयारीमा रहेका एक नेपाली युवाको सुतेकै अवस्थामा मृत्यु भएको छ। सुनसरी, प्रकाशपुरका ३४ वर्षीय विष्णुदेव चौधरीको सुतेकै अवस्थामा यही वैशाख १ गते राति मृत्यु भएको हो। जुबैलस्थित रेड सि ...

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  • भूकम्पले नेपालमा रेमिट्यान्स बढायो: भारत संसारकै धेरै रेमिट्यान्स भित्र्याउने मुलुक

    Year of Publication: 15 April 2016 | Annapurna Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    भूकम्पका कारण विदेशमा रहेका आफन्तले धेरै पैसा पठाएपछि सन् २०१५ मा नेपालमा रेमिट्यान्स २०.९ प्रतिशतले बढेको छ । दक्षिण एसियाली मुलुकमा रेमिट्यान्स वृद्धिदर निकै सुस्त भए पनि नेपालमा भने अकासिएको हो । ...

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  • नेपाली राजदूतमाथि छुरा प्रहार

    Year of Publication: 15 April 2016 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    साउदी अरबका लागि नेपाली कार्यवाहक राजदूत आनन्द शर्मालाई दूतावासमै शरण लिएर बसेका एक युवाले छुरा प्रहार गरेका छन्। एक महिनादेखि रियादस्थित दूतावासमा शरण लिएर बसेका सुनसरी धरानका लक्ष्मण राईले बिहीबार बिहान ११ ...

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  • Child Marriage, Foreign Employment Ruining Youths' Life

    Year of Publication: 14 April 2016 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    "Cases of divorce are on rise. Earlier people would simply live separately if they didn't want to continue together. These days, they end it legally," he said. He added that child marriage ...

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  • New rules introduced to 'safeguard' Nepali women in foreign employment

    Year of Publication: 13 April 2016 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The Ministry of Labor and Employment (MoLE) has introduced a provision that has made it mandatory for all aspirant semi-skilled and non-skilled female workers to sign a tri-party agreement at the Department ...

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  • सात वर्षदेखि साउदीमा बेपत्ता

    Year of Publication: 13 April 2016 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    रोजगारीका लागि साउदी अरब गएकी झापाको गरामनी ५ की ३० वर्षीया सुनितादेवी गाभी ७ वर्षदेखि बेपत्ता छिन्। २०६६ मंसिरमा भारतीय बाटो हुँदै साउदी पुगेकी उनी सम्पर्कमा नरहेको परिवारले जनाएको छ।

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  • First lot of Nepali caregivers in Israel

    Year of Publication: 12 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    The first batch of 14 Nepali caregivers under the government-to-government channel reached Israel on Sunday, the Department of Foreign Employment (DoFE) said on Monday.

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  • वैदेशिक रोजगारीले बदलियो ‘डाँकु गाउँ’

    Year of Publication: 12 April 2016 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    एक जमाना थियो, छोरा कहिले हुर्केला र सँगै डकैती गर्न लिएर जाउँला । जमाना बदलिएको छ, अहिले छोरा हुर्किए विदेश पठाउने तयारीमा हुन्छन् बाबुआमा । जिल्लाको इटाटार गाविसलाई यसअघि ‘डाँकाको गाउँ’ का ...

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  • वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जानुअघि महिलाले सनाखत गर्नुपर्ने

    Year of Publication: 11 April 2016 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि खाडी मुलुक पुगेका महिला शोषणमा पर्ने घटना बढिरहेको बेला श्रम तथा रोजगार मन्त्रालयले विदेश जानुअघि महिला आफैंले काममा मन्जुरी जनाउँदै सनाखत गर्नुपर्ने व्यवस्था गरेको छ । वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने ...

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  • दुबई जेलका नेपाली महिला

    Year of Publication: 11 April 2016 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    त्यस्ता महिला मात्र जेलमा पुग्छन्, जो कुनै न कुनै पारा मिलाएर अस्पताल जान्छन्। अस्पतालले गर्भ रहेको प्रमाणित भएको अवस्थामा पतिको विवरण माग्छ। दिन नसक्नेवित्तिकै वा जबर्जस्तीका कारण गर्भ रहेको भन्नासाथ पुलिसलाई खबर ...

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  • कतारमा एक म्याग्देलीको मृत्यु

    Year of Publication: 10 April 2016 | Nagarik 

    Published by: CESLAM

    रोजगारको सिलसिलामा कतारमा पुगेका एक म्याग्देलीको मृत्यु भएको छ । जिल्लाको बेनी नगरपालिका–१३ सोटाका दिल बहादुर घर्तीको मृत्यु भएको एनआरएन कतारका मजदुर विभाग संयोजक प्रेम रसाईलीले बताए । ‘कम्पनीमै मृत्यु भएको बुझिएको ...

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  • 21 foreign missions to be without chiefs in a month: Posting delayed as parties stake claim to berths

    Year of Publication: 8 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    For the first time in Nepal’s diplomatic history, 21 out of the country’s 33 foreign missions, including consulate general offices, are likely to be without their heads within a month.

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  • 'रोजगार बिमामा कमिसन रद्द गर'

    Year of Publication: 8 April 2016 | Nagarik 

    Published by: CESLAM

    वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने कामदारको बिमा गर्ने बिमा कम्पनीका एजेन्टले अब त्यस्तो बिमा गरेबापत कमिसन नपाउने भएका छन्। वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जानुअघि अनिवार्य गरिएको म्यादी बिमा गर्दा एजेन्टबाट हुने शोषण रोक्न र पीडित परिवारले ...

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  • Volte-face: Free-visa-free-ticket Issue Should Address the Costs of all the Aspects of Recruitment

    Year of Publication: 7 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    In making its big announcement last year to implement a free-visa-free-ticket labour migration to Nepalis, the government surely had a very noble intention. Understandably, it raised the expectations of both the current ...

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