
  • उहिले कालापहाड, अहिले खाडी

    Year of Publication: 27 December 2017 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    कालापानी गाउँपालिका १ का नन्दबहादुर बुढा कामको खोजीमा कालापहाड जाने गरेको दशक बित्यो । कालापहाडको कमाइले उनको परिवारका लागि जेनतेन गाँस र कपासको जोहो त गर्यो तर बास र आर्थिक समृद्धिमा कुनै ...

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  • NAFEA wants higher service charge for Europe

    Year of Publication: 26 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nepali recruiting agencies and the government authority seems to be at loggerheads over the service charges for sending Nepali migrant workers to European countries.

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  • Qatar remains top labour destination

    Year of Publication: 26 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Qatar remains the top destination for Nepali migrant workers, despite the ongoing tension in the Gulf. 

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  • Nepali woman returns home from Iraq incapacitated

    Year of Publication: 26 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    All Shanta Rai can remember is a thud in her head after her employer in Iraq hurled his phone at her. Next, she woke up in a local hospital bed after two ...

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  • Negative remittance growth could exert pressure on country’s BoP

    Year of Publication: 25 December 2017 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    The country has witnessed negative growth in remittances in the first four months of this fiscal year, which could have an adverse impact on various sectors of the economy. Unveiling the first ...

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  • Remittance inflow drops

    Year of Publication: 25 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    The inflow of remittance dropped by 1.4 percent in the first four months of the current fiscal year, raising fears of the country facing shortage of foreign currencies in the coming days ...

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  • रेमिट्यान्सको आय नै घट्यो

    Year of Publication: 25 December 2017 | Naya patrika

    Published by: CESLAM

    मुलुकमा अर्थतन्त्रको मेरुदण्डका रूपमा रहेको विप्रेषण आप्रवाह (रेमिट्यान्स आय) घटेको छ । चालू आर्थिक वर्षको पहिलो चार महिनामा नेपालमा दुई खर्ब २८ अर्ब ९४ करोड रुपैयाँ रेमिट्यान्स भित्रिएको छ । यो अघिल्लो ...

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  • संघीयता र वैदेशिक रोजगार

    Year of Publication: 25 December 2017 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    नहुँ १६ देखि १७ सय युवा विदेशिन्छन् भन्दै आए पनि पछिल्लो समयमा यसको चाप घट्यो कि भन्ने आशा थियो । प्रदेशको पहिलो चुनावको तेस्रो दिन मलेसिया जाँदै गर्दा विदेशिने नेपाली युवाको तांँती देख्दा ...

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  • इराकमा घरमालिकको यातना पछि अपांग भएर नेपाल फिर्ता

    Year of Publication: 25 December 2017 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    पतिले छाडेपछि आर्थिकरुपमा आत्मनिर्भर भएर छोरीलाई उच्च शिक्षा पढाउने सपना बोकेर इराक पुगेकी ३४ वर्षीया शान्ता राई अपाङ्ग भएर फर्केकी छिन् । मुस्किलले ज्यान बचाएकी शान्ताको उपचार गत आइतबारदेखि विपि कोइराला स्वास्थ्य ...

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  • M’sian employers to pay foreign workers’ levy from next year

    Year of Publication: 24 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Malaysia has decided to make it mandatory for employers to pay levy on behalf of migrant workers from 2018 onwards.

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  • Kunwar returns with support of fellow migrants

    Year of Publication: 24 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    The last of the stranded Nepali migrant workers stranded in Kuwait after being made redundant by their company has returned home with the assistance of Nepalis welfare groups.

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  • Govt, manpower agencies to rescue stranded Nepali migrants in Kuwait

    Year of Publication: 23 December 2017 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Around 200 Nepali migrant workers are stranded in Kuwait at present due to Kharafi National Company Kuwait — a multinational construction firm — facing management problems since the last few months. Along ...

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  • After all these years

    Year of Publication: 23 December 2017 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Don’t wear that dress, people will throw rocks at you,” *Mina Pradhan’s father tells her as she dons her aunt’s richly coloured kira, or women’s traditional dress, on the morning of December ...

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  • Women migrant workers continue to face abuse

    Year of Publication: 22 December 2017 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Hundreds of thousands of women migrant workers in the Middle East have signed employment contracts that they do not understand or do not adequately protect them against discrimination and abuse, according to ...

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  • 350 Nepalis helped to return home

    Year of Publication: 22 December 2017 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Over 350 vulnerable Nepalis, including victims of human trafficking, stranded and irregular migrant workers have been helped to return home from abroad over the past two years through a project implemented by ...

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  • वैदेशिक रोजगारी सहायता कक्षः उजुरी आउँछन्, ठग भेटिँदैनन्

    Year of Publication: 22 December 2017 | OnlineKhabar

    Published by: CESLAM

    केही साताअघि तनहुँका दिनेश थापा पारिवारिक जमघटका लागि काठमाडौं आए । बाटोमा हिँड्ने क्रममा एक युवकसँग उनको चिनजान भयो । सँगै बसेर उनीहरुले चिया पिए । गफैगफको सुरमा थापाले वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जाने ...

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  • मलेसियामा विदेशी कामदारको ‘लेभीभार’ हट्यो

    Year of Publication: 22 December 2017 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    मलेसियाली सरकारले विदेशी कामदारहरुँंग लिंदै आएको लेभी रकम अब रोजगारदातासँग लिने भएको छ । मलेसियाली सरकारले विदेशी कामदारहरुँंग लिंदै आएको लेभी रकम अब रोजगारदातासँग लिने भएको छ। सरकारले यसअघिको घोषणा अनुसार ...

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