
Working procedures to provide airfare to migrant workers ready

Year of Publication: 12 May 2015 | Republica

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

Foreign Employment Promotion Board (FEPB) has introduced working procedures to provide airfare to migrant workers who want to come to Nepal to mourn the loss of their family members in the earthquake.

The board introduced the working procedure on Monday following the cabinet decision to provide air tickets to migrant workers.

According to the working procedure, a migrant worker, whose family member within the same house like husband, wife, son, daughter, father or mother or father-in-law or mother-in-law for the female migrant worker, will be entitled to receive such ticket expenses. The migrant worker will have to present death certificate and document proving the relationship as well as recommendation letter from local bodies, which certifies the death from the earthquake, to the FEPB secretariat to receive ticket expenses.

The facility is valid for migrant worker returning to Nepal within mid-June. Likewise, the migrant worker seeking the airfare should also present a letter from the Nepali Embassy or mission of the respective country that certifies that they have not received airfare from their employers and other organizations.

Migrant workers are also required to present a copy of work permit issued by the Department of Foreign Employment, return ticket, boarding pass and other supporting fills to claim airfare from the government.

The government, however, will provide only one-way fare to those workers who do not need to go back to the destination country. The facility will cover only the airfare in economy class.

The government will reimburse the airfare claimed by the worker or the amount prescribed by the minister-level decision, whichever is low.

FEPB will deposit the airfare expenses to the migrant returnee in his/her bank account upon the completion of all procedures. Workers, who are languishing in the destination country in the lack of money to buy ticket, will get help directly from the Nepali embassies or missions, according to the working procedures.

Published on: 12 May 2015 | Republica

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