
Work Starts to Buy Homes for 3 Missions Abroad

Year of Publication: 22 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

Amid criticism for not having its own embassy buildings, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has started the process to procure houses in three destinations.
Nepal has its own embassy buildings in New Delhi, London, Washington and Dhaka. After spending millions of dollars every year on renting houses for embassy buildings and residences for diplomatic staff, the ministry has started work to buy houses in New York, Bangkok and Geneva within this fiscal year.
The Finance Ministry has allocated Rs2 billion initially for the purpose. Rs700 million will be provided for each of the three missions this fiscal year.
“We have faced problems relating to some local rules and regulations in New York,” said Durga Bahadur Chettri, a joint-secretary at the ministry. In the next phase, the ministry plans to procure buildings in Brussels and Paris.
Officials say that due to a lack of clear policy on procuring property in a foreign country, missions are facing difficulties in purchasing buildings and vehicles that cost a lot of money. Nepal’s embassy in Thailand has issued invited bids for procurement.
A team of officials from the foreign and finance ministries and the Office of Public Procurement is leaving for Bangkok on Saturday to weigh the options for procuring property.
Published on: 22 April 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

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