
Overseas jobseekers decline by 9.84%

Year of Publication: 5 November 2012 | Republica 

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

The number of Nepali workers leaving for overseas jobs during the first quarter of the current fiscal year 2012/13 dropped by 9.84 percent compared to the number during the same period last year.

The Department of Foreign Employment, which provides work permit to workers to aspiring to work overseas, states in its report that a total of 98,777 Nepali youths flew to foreign job destinations during the three months between mid-July and mid-October this year. The number was 109,554 during the same period last year.

During the review period, a total of 93,630 male and 5,147 female workers left for overseas jobs mainly in the Gulf countries and Malaysia.

DoFE´s report shows that of the total workers leaving for foreign employment, a total of 92,330 and 6,447 workers were recruited through institutional and individual channels, respectively.

Foreign employment agents said the fall in the departures of Nepali workers to foreign job destinations is the result of the strict policy of the government to promote institutional channels, Kumud Khanal, first vice-president of Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies (NAFEA) told Republica.

During the period, a total of 2,131 workers had obtained re-entry permission.

As in the past, Malaysia, Saudi Arab, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have become the top employment providers receiving a total of 91,582 workers, which amounts to 93 percent of the total number of workers leaving for overseas jobs during the period.

Malaysia, home to more than 400,000 Nepalis, took in 40,633 workers during the period. Saudi Arabia hosted a total of 22,885 job seekers from Nepal becoming the second most popular destination during the period.

Similarly, Qatar and the UAE also provided jobs to 16,983 and 11,081 Nepalis during the period respectively.

However, the number of workers leaving for overseas jobs during the third month (mid-Sept-mid-October) of the current fiscal year was recorded at 38,005-around 43 percent rise compared to 28,087 recorded earlier month.

During the month, Malaysia received 14,577 Nepali workers whereas Saudi Arabia received 8,139 workers. Similarly, 6,453 and 4,846 job aspirants left for Qatar and the UAE during the month.

Published on: 5 November 2012 | Republica 

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