
Nepali worker in Malaysia returns home a month after quake kills wife, son

Year of Publication: 2 June 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

Raju BK of Saurpani-8, who recently returned home from Malaysia, falls into distress every time he recalls the Great Earthquake of April 25. BK’s wife and son were killed after the house they were living in was razed to the ground by the trembler.

“I have nothing left in the world now. I have lost everything,” said BK, who was almost on the verge of crying. He further added that he had left for Malaysia only four months ago to ensure that he would earn enough to secure a better future for his family.

“My wife Chyangri, 34, and a 4-year-old son Raj were killed in the devastating quake. Now I have only my 13-year daughter Siru with me,” he said.

BK’s son Raj was sleeping inside the house on that fateful day of April 25 when it collapsed following the earthquake. His wife had then immediately entered the collapsed house to rescue her son, but sustained injuries in the process.

Tul Bahadur Thapa of Simjung said Chyangri died in want of treatment three days after the incident. Thapa remembers that he had met her in Ranchok. “As far as I know, she had suffered only minor injuries, but she did not get proper treatment,” Thapa said.

 “My wife lost her life due to the carelessness of the health professionals who didn’t provide her timely treatment,” BK said, adding that his wife had breathed her last while talking to him over the phone.

BK said that his elder daughter Siru is also in a state of shock after losing her mother and brother so tragically in the quake.

Adding to his insurmountable woe, he said he had to spend another torturous month in Malaysia even after knowing that the April 25 quake had killed his wife and son as the Malaysian company where he worked did not grant him leave despite his repeated pleas.

“Only after I pleaded constantly that they granted me a one-month leave. Furthermore, I have returned on my own expenses as the company didn’t bear my travel expenses,” he said.

According to BK, he is not sure whether he will return to Malaysia now. “I had taken some loan while going abroad. But I came empty-handed. I don’t know what to do now. But I have to take care of my daughter now,” he said in a sad tone.

Published on: 2 June 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

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