
NAC Airbus reaches Kabul to bring deceased back home

Year of Publication: 22 June 2016 | The Himalayan Times

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

An aircraft of the Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) chartered to bring the bodies of 12 Nepalis, killed in a suicide attack in Kabul on Monday, has reached the Afghan capital on Wednesday, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Earlier, acting Nepali ambassador to Pakistan Tirtha Raj Aryal had reached Kabul to coordinate the repatriation of the mortal remains of the victims and to ensure medical care to the injured.
A 158-seater Airbus had left Kathmandu for Kabul at 3:30 am today.
Following the gruesome murder, the Government of Nepal on Tuesday had decided to send an aircraft to Afghanistan to bring home the remains of those killed in the attack.
As many as 12 Nepali security guards were killed and seven others injured when a suspected Taliban suicide bomber targeted a minibus they were travelling in, in the Afghan Capital.
Two of the seven injured in the attack – Krishna Kumar Deuja and Man Bahadur Thapa of Chitwan – were airlifted to New Delhi’s Apollo Hospital for treatment yesterday.
It has been learned that the Prem Bahadur Tamang of Morang, Chet Bahadur Sherchan of Myagdi and Kumar Bahadur Gurung of Gorkha would be airlifted to the Indian capital today.
Chyangba Tamang, who is said to be in critical condition, would be airlifted to Delhi today if his condition improved.
Among the injured Amrit Rokaya Chhetri is said to have sustained non-serious injuries.
Meanwhile, the special aircraft would also bring 24 other Nepalis wishing to return home from Afghanistan following the attack.
The government on Tuesday had said that it was ready to evacuate Nepalis working in Afghanistan if they wanted to return home.
Published on: 22 June 2016 | The Himalayan Times

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