
10 Nepalis Stranded in Saudi Arabia

Year of Publication: 3 March 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

Ten Nepali migrant workers have been stranded in Saudi Arabia after the authorities found out that they had landed there without legal documents.
They arrived in Saudi Arabia 22 months ago through Kathmandu-based Al Naseer Overseas Pvt Ltd They do not have any documents that is required of every migrants working in the country. 
As a result, they have been arrested time and again. They are currently living in a flat provided by their company in Jeddah city. 
The victims said that they were forced to work illegally for other companies for the first one year of their arrival. 
They said even the Nepali Embassy in Saudi Arabia has ignored their problem. The Saudi authorities have ordered them to pay a fine of Rs 600,000 each for staying in the country illegally. 
“It has been 10 months since we lost job. Now we are surviving on borrowed money,” said one of the victims, Soman Raut from Sarlahi. 
He said that they had paid Rs 135,000 each to Al Naseer Overseas Pvt Ltd fly to Saudi Arabia and that they are yet to repay all the money they borrowed before they left for the country. 
Similar is the story of another victim Khadga BK from Banke. “We are left high and dry. We do not know how to return home,” he said, adding that police arrested him eight times earlier and that he was asked to pay around Rs 600,000 if he wants to return home. 
“How to manage such huge amount of money all by myself,” he wondered. 
Another victim Krishna Prasad Ghimire of Banke said that their repeated calls to the Nepali Consulate in Jeddah for rescue have not been heard so far. 
“It has been one year since we started approaching Nepali embassy in Saudi Arabia. What we got each time from the officials was only assurances,” he added.
Published on: 3 March 2016 | The Kathmandu Post

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