
  • इजरायलको सीपले गोलभेडा फार्म

    Year of Publication: 8 May 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    इजरायलको कृषि फार्ममा काम गरेको अनुभवले मकवानपुर चुरियामाईका दाजुभाइले गोलभेडा खेती सुरु गरेका छन्। चुरियामाई–२, मयुरधापका श्रीकृष्ण र बद्री अधिकारीले विदेशको सीप बाँझो बारीमा प्रयोग गरेका हुन्।

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  • Neglected priority

    Year of Publication: 7 April 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Youth unemployment is 20.5 percent in the UK and 17.1 percent in the US. In continental Europe, 21.6 percent youth are unemployed. In Australia, youth unemployment is around 25 percent. It is ...

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  • Stage set for remuneration talks

    Year of Publication: 3 April 2013 | Republica 

    Published by: CESLAM

    The government has a formed a committee comprising representatives from the government, trade unions and employers to fix minimum wage for workers employed in industrial enterprises paving the way for tripartite meeting.

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  • Big firms employ less than 300‚000 people

    Year of Publication: 21 March 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The industrial sector has been shrinking in the country due to insecurity, energy crisis and labour problems. The showdown in entrepreneurship development in the country has directly affected employment. 

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  • युवा स्वरोजगार कार्यक्रम प्रभावहीन

    Year of Publication: 17 March 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    युवा स्वरोजगार कार्यक्रमअन्तर्गत ४ वर्षअघि काम गर्न आवेदन दिएकामध्ये एक प्रतिशतले पनि रोजगारी पाउन सकेका छैनन् ।  सरकारले छुट्टै निकाय गठन गरे पनि हालसम्म जम्मा ५ हजार ५ सय १२ जनाले मात्र ...

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  • थप रोजगारी आवश्यक: विश्व बैँक

    Year of Publication: 10 March 2013 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    बढ्दो बेरोजगारीले नेपालमात्र नभई विश्वका विकसित मुलुकहरू पनि उत्तिकै आक्रान्त भएको विश्व बैंकको एक प्रतिवेदनले देखाएको छ। साथै प्रतिवेदनले विश्वव्यापीरूपमा थप रोजगारीका अवसर सिर्जना हुनुपर्नेमा जोड पनि दिएको छ। 

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  • Deepening labor shortage hits industries

    Year of Publication: 7 March 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The factory, which would be filled with clatter of looms and chatter of shifts of workers around almost round the clock during the overseas consignment seasons in the past, is now facing ...

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  • 500,000 lose jobs due to closure of small-scale industries

    Year of Publication: 7 March 2013 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Small-scale entrepreneurs have said government policies have posed major barriers for growth of the country´s cottage and small industries, resulting in 500,000 job losses over the years. 

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  • नेपालीको विदेशमा लगानी बढ्दो

    Year of Publication: 6 March 2013 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    उत्तराखण्ड सरकारले लगानी आकषिर्त गर्न सहुलियत दिन थालेपछि नेपाली लगानीकर्ताले रुद्रपुरलगायत ठाउँमा दर्जनौं उद्योग स्थापना गरेका छन् । वनस्पति घिउ, प्लास्टिक बोरा -वोभन स्याक्स), चाउचाउलगायत उद्योगमा लगानी भएको छ । 'नेपाली लगानीकर्ताले ...

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  • कृषिमा लाग्ने युवाको संख्या बढ्दो

    Year of Publication: 28 December 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    बेलायतको आवासीय भिसा पाएपछि उनका धेरै आफन्त बेलायततिर बसाइँ सरे । आएको आवासीय भिसा थन्क्यएर पोखरा माटेपानीकी ४७ वर्षीय मिनु गुरुङ भने तरकारी खेतीमा लागिन् ।

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  • विदेशबाट फर्केर कृषि सहकारीमा

    Year of Publication: 28 December 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    जापानमा कृषि सहकारीको विकास हेरेपछि मीनबहादुर श्रेष्ठको अगुवाइमा  सिन्धुलीको ढु्ंग्रेबासमा सहकारीमार्फत सुरु भएको कृषि फार्म हेर्नलायक छ । फार्ममा कुखुरा, बंगुर र माछापालनका साथै थरीथरीका तरकारी खेती गरिएको छ ।

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  • Returnee migrants seek financial support

    Year of Publication: 20 December 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Migrant workers who have returned from foreign jobs have asked the government to provide financial support to start enterprises in the country. The government should bring a special package for returnee migrant ...

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  • Employment fund to start two pilot programmes

    Year of Publication: 19 December 2012 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    a multi donor employment initiative — will start two pilot programmes targeting employment and self-reliant for youths. According to the fund, one of the training programmes has been especially designed to support ...

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  • UN urges for policies to turn brain drain into brain gain

    Year of Publication: 30 November 2012 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) has urged least developed countries (LDCs), like Nepal, that have witnessed rise in migration of skilled human resources to other nations for employment ...

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  • बौद्धिक पलायनले अर्थतन्त्रमा असर

    Year of Publication: 30 November 2012 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    दक्ष र बौद्धिक जनशक्तिको पलायनले कम विकसित राष्ट्रको दीर्घकालीन आर्थिक वृद्धिमा पर्ने असर रोक्न राष्ट्रसंघले नयाँ अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संयन्त्रको प्रस्ताव गरेको छ ।

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  • कोरियाबाट फर्केर बंगुरपालन

    Year of Publication: 27 November 2012 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    कोरियाको बंगुर फार्ममा काम गरी फर्केका दाजुभाइले आफ्नै फार्म, सोरुम र रेस्टुरेन्ट चलाएका छन्। कास्कीको लेखनाथ-२ रिठ्ठेपानीमा बंगुरपालन गरेका छ्याम र राजु थापाले पोखरा बुद्धचोकमा फ्रेस हाउस र रेस्टुरेन्ट चलाएका छन्। 

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  • The kids aren’t alright

    Year of Publication: 27 November 2012 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    It is undoubted that children are the most vulnerable group in any society. They are likely targets of all kinds of abuse and their vulnerability only increases in accordance to their socio-economic ...

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