
  • Appeal to end strike at Upper Tamakoshi

    Year of Publication: 19 March 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Lawmakers, political parties and civil society members on Wednesday issued an appeal for an end to the strike at the Upper Tamakoshi Hydropower Project that has brought construction work to a standstill.

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  • CIAA probe: 1,800 teachers quit

    Year of Publication: 14 March 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Nearly 1,800 public school teachers quit their job after the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) started investigating the authenticity of academic certificates of government school teachers since September last ...

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  • श्रमसीपले पनि बराबरी

    Year of Publication: 8 March 2015 | Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    कृष्णलक्ष्मी छेताला  नाम चलेकी सिकर्मी बनेकी छन् । भक्तपुरको सूर्य विनायकनजिकै उनको काठ कारखाना छ । तीन वर्षअघिसम्म उनको परिचय एउटा गृहिणीका रूपमा सीमित थियो ।

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  • Govt brings national employment policy

    Year of Publication: 3 March 2015 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    With the aim of improving employment scenario, the government has introduced National Employment Policy (NEP), 2015, replacing the Labor and Employment Policy, 2062. 

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  • मुक्त हलियाले पाए पुर्जा

    Year of Publication: 14 February 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    झलारी पिपलाडी नगरपालिका ९ खजुवाकी सावित्री लुहार दुधे बालक काखी च्यापेर शुक्रबार बिहानै महेन्द्रनगरस्थित भूमिसुधार कार्यालय पुगिन्।

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  • सात हजार शिक्षकको पदपूर्ति रोकियो

    Year of Publication: 13 February 2015 | Annapurna Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    शिक्षा ऐन संशोधनमा ढिलाइ हुँदा सामुदायिक विद्यालयका सात हजार शिक्षकको स्थायी पदपूर्ति प्रक्रिया रोकिएको छ। शिक्षक सेवा आयोगले ७५ वटै जिल्लाका सामुदायिक विद्यालयमा रिक्त शिक्षक दरबन्दीको तथ्यांक संकलन गरे पनि शिक्षा ऐन संशोधन ...

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  • Ensuring education and personality development

    Year of Publication: 11 February 2015 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Laborers at Shree Champimai Brick Factory in Lalitpur have a reason to smile. Their children will benefit from the recently established child development and learning center that is the joint effort of ...

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  • Woman dies in workplace accident

    Year of Publication: 11 February 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    A woman died in a workplace accident at Hattimuda-based Prime Cable Factory in Morang district on Tuesday.

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  • Returned migrant worker prospers as goat farmer

    Year of Publication: 3 February 2015 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Karma Singh KC of Lalmatia-8 returned to his village after spending eight years in a foreign land as a migrant worker. During one of his visits home, he decided not to go ...

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  • सीप हुनेलाई कामैकाम

    Year of Publication: 22 January 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    हीराबहादुर नेपालीको स्थायी घर गोर्खा हो । ०५० सालमा जागिरको सिलसिलामा उनी डोटी आइपुगेका हुन् । काठका मिस्त्री हुन् । सरकारी जागिर पनि काठका फर्निचर बनाउने, मर्मत गर्ने छ ।

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  • चौकीदारको तलब एक पाथी अन्न

    Year of Publication: 15 January 2015 | Kantipur

    Published by: CESLAM

    काँडा ४ का ६० वर्षीय कमलबहादुर बुढा ४० वर्षदेखि खानेपानीको चौकीदार छन् ।उनकै छिमेकी ५४ वर्षीय सूर्यबहादुर विक ठूलीपोखरी सामुदायिक वनका चौकीदारहुन् । उनीहरूको काम फरक-फरक छ ।

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  • 46 pc of people of working age group 'economically inactive'

    Year of Publication: 9 January 2015 | The Himalayan Times

    Published by: CESLAM

    Almost half of the people of working age group in urban areas of the Kathmandu Valley are not employed and do not intend to find a job anytime soon either, depicting a ...

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  • विदेश छाडेर च्याउखेती सिकाउँदै

    Year of Publication: 30 December 2014 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    गोरखा, बारपाक-७ का सित्तल गुरुङ एकताका शिक्षक थिए। पढाउन छाडेर उनी सिंगापुर पुगे। त्यहाँ पनि उनलाई चित्त बुझेन। नेपाल फर्केर उनी गाउँगाउँमा च्याउ र स्याउ खेती सिकाउँदै हिँडिरहेका छन्।

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  • Flourishing orange farms hit by labour shortage

    Year of Publication: 29 December 2014 | The Kathmandu Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    Pabitra Rai of Khoku-5 has 210 orange trees in her grove. In fact, the whole village presents a similar scene. There are lots of orange trees everywhere. “The period from mid-November to ...

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  • बिदेसिँदै योग्य नेपाली पाइलट

    Year of Publication: 19 December 2014 | Annapurna Post

    Published by: CESLAM

    नेपालमा दक्षता हासिल गरेर बिदेसिने नेपाली पाइलटको संख्या बढ्न थालेको छ। विदेशमा दुई सय घन्टाको कमर्सियल पाइलट लाइसेन्स (सीपीएल) लिएर नेपालको हवाई उड्डयन क्षेत्रमा प्रवेश गरेका पाइलट कोपाइलट हुँदै क्याप्टेन बनेर बिदेसिने ...

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  • कृषि क्षेत्रमा मजदुर अभाव

    Year of Publication: 17 December 2014 | Nagarik

    Published by: CESLAM

    ‘मासिक १५ हजार तलब र केटाकेटी पढाइदिन्छु भन्दा पनि कामदार पाउन गाह्रो भयो। उनीहरू जे भन्छन् त्यही सुविधा उपलब्ध गराउन तयार हुँदा पनि कृषि क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने मान्छे पाइँदैन,' धादिङमा चार वर्षदेखि ...

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  • Cold triggers seasonal migration

    Year of Publication: 16 December 2014 | Republica

    Published by: CESLAM

    Due to continuous snowfall since Saturday, locals in the northern parts of   Gorkha district have started to move to the lowlands. When the temperatures dip, people in this part of the ...

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