
Unrest hits hotels

Year of Publication: 22 September 2015 | The Himalayan Times

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

Due to the ongoing strikes, the hotel business here has been badly affected with establishments being forced to send their workers on home leave. Viswa, a Birgunj-based star hotel which employs 70 people, has been closed for the last three weeks. Likewise, another half a dozen star hotels here are facing a similar situation.
First, the earthquake of April 25 hit the hotel industry hard and subsequent bandas in the region aggravated their problems.
“Initially, we kept the hotel open, but we had to close after a curfew was imposed,” said Prasant Singh, manger of Hotel Viswa. “As travel became impossible, we could not find customers.”
Similarly, Hotel Makalu has given leave to its 60 staffers until the time the situation returns to normal. All the hotels have closed their restaurants.
Published on: 22 September 2015 | The Himalayan Times

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