
Co-operative empowering women through trainings

Year of Publication: 23 September 2015 | Republica

Publication Type: NEWS

Published by: CESLAM

A co-operative in Thada of Arghakhachi have provided women with a reliable source of income. By providing income generation trainings like tailoring, vegetable farming, poultry farming and animal husbandry, the cooperative has been enabling women in gaining economic independence.

Along with the trainings, women have been provided with loans at nominal interest rate as part of their effort to encourage women to start their own businesses after completing their training.
Sagarmatha Women Savings and Credit Co-operative Limited due to its contribution in empowering women has grown popular among the local women. “772 women members are associated with us and our contribution in empowering them has earned the reputation of being an outstanding co-operative,” Bhagwati Belbase, the cooperative’s chief said.
Apart from its various loan schemes, the cooperative provides 5000 rupees to the family of its woman member, in event of her death. Along with this, this cooperative provides direct employment to four women.
With a total support of 100, 000 rupees and some construction material, from the District Women Development Office (DDWDO) and Women and Children Office, the cooperative has recently built its own office, Belbase informed. Apart from economic empowerment, the cooperative has recently started collaborating with DDWDO for raising awareness about sexual violence in the district.
Published on: 23 September 2015 | Republica

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