
Check Youth Exodus

Year of Publication: 25 January 2024 | The Rising Nepal

Published by: CESLAM

The number of people going abroad for foreign employment has significantly increased these days. Every day many people can be seen at the international airport, leaving the country for better job opportunities. With the skilled workers flying off to foreign lands, the country has been left with very limited proficient minds and an aging population only. Employment opportunities have been scarce at home, compelling the youth and skilled manpower to go abroad.

People are frustrated with the income they get after all the hard work done. Despite Nepal being an agricultural country, people had not been able to do proper farming due to the lack of resources. Authorities haven’t been able to fulfill the demands of local farmers to execute cultivation properly. Nor have they been able to supply chemical fertilizers at reasonable rates to sell the products they grow. People who have started the business also aren’t able to generate sufficient profits to survive. Labors aren’t happy with the wages they get. Their income isn’t even sufficient to cover their basic needs. Many students who have completed their education haven’t got suitable jobs.

Those who have jobs have very low incomes despite having good qualification. People from all walks of life are facing this problem. Amid such scenario, everybody wants to switch to better options with good employment opportunities and greater income. In the absence of able workforce, colleges, factories, offices, and even local businesses are on the verge of shutting down. The financial misery inflicted by unemployment and growing inflation has created a huge brain drain in the country. With the surge in the unemployment rate, the economic growth rate has also slumped and the country is facing economic crisis soon. But none of the political parties seem serious about addressing the people's desperation.

The government has pledged to solve the issue several times but has not taken any steps to retain skilled individuals. Instead of offering opportunities to youths, the government's tendency to let workers go abroad, citing their contribution through remittance is quite surprising and miserable. If the situation continues, there will be no one left to look after the country. The government must take steps to spur economic growth and create enough jobs. Authorities need to do something concrete to bring the inflation down and stop mass exodus.

Establishing export-oriented industries and enhancing employment access through information systems might be a good initiative. Local and small businesses need to be promoted to reduce the import of goods that can be easily produced in the country. The government needs to provide the required resources in the required field at reasonable prices to promote domestic employment. Conducting skill development training programmes will help generate skilled manpower to perform particular tasks, lowering the unemployment rate. Authorities need to come up with new plans like rewarding returnees from foreign employment which encourages youngsters to come back to the country with good hope. The government must resolve the issue to prevent the exodus of young entrepreneurs.

Published on: 25 January 2024 | The Rising Nepal


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